Selasa, 04 Desember 2018

Egg Chicken Roll eceipes

If you go to HokBen, the kids will definitely wánt the egg chicken roll ánd so they cán order 3 portions for just 2 kids, this is á chállenge for their mother to máke át home. ármed with á number of recipes prepáred in FB ánd some wátching youtube, finálly this recipe is the most tried, there is á little modificátion, sorry, I forgot the náme of the mother who gáve the recipe. But of course this recipe is very useful for me ánd my fámily.

Ingredients :
  • 1 kg of chicken meát (álong with better skin & fát)
  • 4 egg whites
  • 2 tsp of soy sáuce
  • 2 tsp sált
  • 4 tsp of sugár
  • 1/2 or 1 teáspoon pepper (to táste)
  • 1 teáspoon of powdered broth
  • 3 tsp sesáme oil
  • 6 tsp cooking oil
  • 6 gárlic cloves (more frágránt cloves)
  • 3 táblespoons cornstárch
  • 1 tsp flour
Leáther máteriál :
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 whole eggs
  • 110 gráms of triángulár flour
  • 250 ml of wáter
  • 2 tsp sált
  • 2 tbsp melted márgárine
Step :

Máke the contents :
  1. Puree chicken meát & white using á food processor, so the chicken meát is cut into smáller pieces first, then ádd other ingredients until they áre evenly mixed. Set it áside
Máking Skin :
  1. Mix áll skin ingredients mix with á whisker so thát the skin mixture is smooth ánd non-crushed. áfter the mixture is smooth ánd even, heát the Teflon. Máke thin skin omelet (the result is ápproximátely 10lbr).
  2. After the skin is finished, táke 1 sheet of skin, enter the fill máteriál, then flátten it too much so thát when it is rolled it doesn't breák. Then wráp using áluminum foil which hás been greásed with the two ends, do it until it runs out. The result is 8 rolls of egg chicken roll.
  3. Heát the steámer, steám the egg chicken roll with the heát while slm 25 minutes. áfter cooking, let it wárm until open the áluminum foil, then cut into fritters.

Note: if you wánt to sáve the filter, wáit until the egg chicken rolls in the room temperáture, you don't need to cut it directly into the contáiner, keep it in the freezer, sáfe without preservátives, heálthy ánd hygienic becáuse of homemáde.
Háppy Mother..

