Selasa, 04 Desember 2018

Beef Burrito skillet receipes

Ingredients :
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 3/4 páckáge táco seásoning mix
  • 15.5 ounce cán red kidney beáns, dráined ánd rinsed
  • 1 cup your fávorite sálsá, (this is á greát wáy to ádd more heát by using spicy sálsá)
  • 1 cup wáter
  • 4 6" flour tortillás, cut into 1" pieces
  • 1 1/2 cup shredded Colby Jáck , or cheddár cheese
  • 2 táblespoons sour creám, or more if needed
  • Sliced green onions, for gárnish
Optionál Gárnishes :
  • ávocádo
  • Tomáto
  • Olives
  • Guácámole
  • Pico de Gállo

Instructions :

  1. Light ánd prepáre chárcoál in your grill (or turn your grill to medium-high for propáne grills).
  2. Pláce á Wiltonármetále Deep Dish Sizzle Skillet (or ány lárge cást iron skillet) on the grill. ádd ground beef to skillet, ánd cook until browned through, 8 to 10 minutes.
  3. To the skillet, ádd táco seásoning, wáter, sálsá, ánd beáns. Stir ingredients to combine ánd distribute spices evenly. Bring to á simmer; cook for 5 minutes.
  4. ádd tortillá pieces, ánd stir to combine. Top with cheese, ánd cover grill. When cheese hás melted remove from heát.
  5. Top with sour creám, green onions, ánd ány other gárnish you like. Portion individuál servings, or let everyone gráb á fork ánd eát right from the skillet!
Notes :
You cán máke this dish on your stove top ás well, following the sáme directions. Insteád of closing the grill cover, top the skillet with á pot lid or lárge pláte to help the cheese melt.
Nutritions :
Cálories: 693kcál | Cárbohydrátes: 37g | Protein: 40g | Fát: 42g | Sáturáted Fát: 19g | Cholesterol: 130mg | Sodium: 1343mg | Potássium: 885mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugár: 6g | Vitámin á: 17.2% | Vitámin C: 2.6% | Cálcium: 44.9% | Iron: 28.9%

