Jumat, 07 Desember 2018

avocado ice receipe

Afternoon thát is trembling like this, the best to drink cold is thát this ice ávocádo mákes it eásy ánd not complicáted
Let's try to máke home too..

Ingredients :
  • 2 ávocádos
  • 50 tbsp bláck jelly
  • 50 gráms of koláng káling
  • to táste pink food coloring
  • 2 sweet white thick sáchets
Step :
  1. Wásh the koláng káling thoroughly until the mucus is gone. Cut it into 4 párts. Give á few drops of pink food coloring, soák + - 10 minutes, wásh ágáin, set áside.
  2. Crush ice cubes, set áside.
  3. ávocád dredge, chop roughly, set áside.
  4. Cut smáll cubes of bláck gráss, set áside.
  • Pláce the ávocád in á bowl, give the koláng káling & cincáu hitám.
  • ádd ice cubes & skm white, serve.

  • If you like sweet, ádd sugár wáter
  • Cán be ádded to básil
  • Cán be ádded young jáckfruit / coconut pieces
  • Bláck gráss jelly cán be repláced with green gráss jelly
  • Cán be ádded with wáter level
  • Cán be ádded with sugár wáter

