Jumat, 07 Desember 2018

Basil mango pudding receipe

álhámdulilláh, át home there wás the first hárvested mángo from the tree in the gárden itself, the number wás quite lárge, the mángosteen wás medium in size, ánd it seemed álhámdulilláh it wás pretty good.
áfternoons then thought, besides being eáten directly. Whát is the delicious thing to máke?
I remember, át home there wás á stock of pláin ánd básil seeds. How ábout máking pudding just like thát? It seems like it's cool when it's enjoyed.

Ingredients :
  • 15 smáll cups
  • 1 pláin gelátin pácket
  • 2 medium sized mángoes
  • 1 táblespoon of básil seeds
  • 1/4 cup of hot wáter
  • 140 gráms of sugár (to táste)
  • 1/4 tsp sált
  • 900 ml of wáter (áccording to the doságe printed in the ágár)
Step :
  1. Peel mángo ánd cut into cubes.
  2. ádd the seeds básil in hot wáter, wáit until they expánd.
  3. árránge the mángo ánd básil seeds into the cup / gelátin mold.
  4. ádd the gelátin to the pán, then ádd wáter. Cook in medium heát until boiling. While continuing to stir.
  5. ádd sugár, stir until evenly distributed.
  6. ádd á little sált ás á flávor enháncement.
  7. Táste test, if it feels right, turn off the stove.
  8. Pour the gelátin mixture into the cup / mold, wáit for it to cool.
  9. Básil mángo pudding is reády to be enjoyed. Served cold is more delicious.

