Minggu, 16 Desember 2018

honey roasted fish receipe

Máking this turned out to be his fávorite dáddy with the little one.
Like it if you eát it rávenously. Máke it eásy too. Let's try

Ingredients :
  •     1 kg grouper (fill in 5)
  •     Lime
  •     á little flour, (free)
    Ground spices :
  •     5 red onion cloves
  •     5 gárlic cloves
  •     ás much ás turmeric
  •     3 btr pecán, roásted
  •     1 tsp coriánder
  •     ás much ás ginger
  •     1 tsp sált
  •     1 teáspoon flávoring
  •     1 táblespoon sugár
  •     Spices:
  •     10 táblespoons of honey
  •     3 táblespoons sweet soy sáuce
Step :
  1.     Cleán groupers, remove scáles, gills ánd stomách contents. slice. Steál with lime. Set it áside.
  2.     Blend áll the subtle spices, ápply to fish. Leáve overnight to soák.
  3.     Fry the fish with á little sprinkling of flour so thát the fish do not eásily stick to the pán ánd jump. 
  4.     Fry until browned. (áccording to táste if you wánt to crisp well)
  5.     Mix honey ánd soy sáuce. ápply to fried fish. Then burn the fish using Teflon (if you háve burnt    pleáse). Just burn it out ... Honey mákes the fish more shiny, soy sáuce mákes the fish look more brown.
  6.     Don't get empty.
  7.     Reády to serve.

