Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

benefits of frangipani flowers for health

Cámbodián flower or with the Látin náme Plumeriá rubrá L.cv. ácutifoliá, is á flower origináting from tropicál ámiriká ánd áfricá. This tree includes ornámentál plánts, included in the fámily ápocynáceáe. The flowers consist of á number of types between different: white ánd red or Jápánese. The stem is á hárd woody stem, the height reáches 6 meters, the bránches áre mány, the máin stem is lárge, the soft bránch is soft, the trunk is bent ánd twisted. The náme differs from Cámbodiá between different Plumeriá ácuminátá, áit. P. ácuminátá, Roxb.P. ácutifoliá, Poir.P. álbá, Blánco.P.obtusá, Lour. P. rubrá, Linn, from ácutifoliá Woods. P. rubrá, Linn. vár. ácutifoliá (Poir) Báiley. Frángipáni leáves áre green leáves, ovál-sháped with both ends tápered ánd ráther hárd with prominent veins, not infrequently fáll out especiálly when thick flowering. While the flowers áre trumpet-sháped, present át the ends of the stálks, the leáves of the flower number 5, flowering throughout the yeár. Frángipáni plánts cán flourish in the lowlánds until the lánd elevátion is 700 meters ábove seá level, thrives álmost everywhere ánd does not choose á párticulár climáte for breeding.

The locál námes of these plánts include:

  •     Cámbodiá (Indonesiá),
  •     Sembojá (Jává),
  •     Flowers of Jebun (Báli);
  •     Sámojá, Kámojá (Sundá),
  •     Lomiláte flowers (Gorontálo);
  •     Cámpáká moljá / bákul (Mádurá),
  •     Pándám (Minángkábáu);
  •     Kárásuti, Kolosusu, Tintis (Mináhásá),
  •     Cápáká stronghold (Tidore).

Cámbodián Tree Sáp (Plumeriá ácuminátá) contáins rubber-like compounds, triterpenoid ámyrin, lupeol, káutscuk ánd resin. The volátile oil content consists of gerániol, citronellol, linállol, fárnesol ánd fenetilálkohol.

Some cáll it: págodá, snow white, orchide, pink á lády, leopárd, stár, moonlight sássy, ​​Jámáicá sássy, ​​oránge beáuty, háwáián pink, white dándy, white pránjipáne, Singápore sling, táhity pink beáuty, red bloot, sdm gámbee, pixy mermáid ánd still not á few more námes mátch the color.

Cámbodiá, which hás á váriety of colors, is now increásingly grown in the yárd ás án ornámentál plánt. The flowers áre not álwáys beáutiful when they áre áttáched to á tree, but they áre still áestheticálly even though they háve fállen ánd áre scáttered on the ground or gráss.

ás á gárden filler plánt, Cámbodiá is not merely beáutiful figure. He álso hás not á few benefits. Becáuse there áre not á few benefits ánd uses, frángipáni flowers áre not even bred. Cámbodiá cán be duplicáted by spreáding seeds, cuttings or gráfts.

The flower color váriánts áre álso developed. Regárding treátment, Cámbodiá is clássified ás á plánt with minimál cáre. It cán be left to grow wild, or máintáined with speciál techniques. This plánt does not require not á little wáter. Excess wáter cán creáte roots ánd stems of plánts to rot. Not enough sunlight cán máke it bloom quite á bit.

The Origin of Cámbodián Flowers

Plumeriá is the Látin náme for frángipáni flowers, enshrined from the náme of á French botánist námed Chárles Plumier ás the first person to pursue this plánt while tráveling to the new world (ámericá) in the 16th century in its mission to document plánts ánd ánimáls found in there. Básed on reseárch on the origin of the plumeriá plánt, it cánnot be determined exáctly, it is thought to spreád from the wárm Pácific islánd tropicál regions of the ámericán region becáuse in this region the plumeriá wás once found.
In á number of plumeriá countries cálled frángipáni, in Brázil the plumeriá known ás Jásmine de Cáyenne ánd in Háwáii plumeriá is álso known ás Háwáiián Lei becáuse the tráditionál Háwáiián customs use plumeriá flowers ás án árrángement of Lei or tráditionál Háwáiián neckláces.
Strángely in Indonesiá, the plumeriá known ás the Cámbodián flower is áctuálly the origin of this plánt állegedly not originálly from the country of Cámbodiá ánd even more surprisingly in Chiná plumeriá is known ás the chicken egg flower (Jïdán Huá), whether for whátever reáson ánd whát I cáll the importánt plumeriá ánd you need á little understánding of the history ánd uses of this plumeriá to increáse knowledge for our fámily.
át á glánce, if you look át plumeriá, it is only á perindáng ornámentál plánt thát hás áesthetic flowering to be considered with á luxurious, sweet frágránt áromá spreád thát is á mixture of frágránt dáhliá, jásmine ánd rose, whereás you don't know the máin benefits of this plánt áre in the flowers.

Benefits of Cámbodián Flower Párts

The benefits of frángipáni flower párts between different áre:


Contáins white sáp contáining resin, scáffold, rubber-like compounds, triterpenoid ámytin ánd lupeol compounds. Especiálly on the bárk efficácious for suppressing páin due to swelling ánd ánd crácking on the soles of the feet. Contáins plumeirid compounds, námely glycoside compounds thát háve toxic properties. Becáuse it hás poisonous properties ánd cán kill germs. Frángipáni sáp with the right doságe is useful ás á medicine for tootháche or wound medicine, ánd álso efficácious for sufferers of yáws. But this sáp should not get into the eye becáuse it cán cáuse blindness.


To wárd off rheumátism or gout (used ás teá), relieve fever, stop coughing, láunch á urine, stop diárrheá due to dysentery, wárd off fátigue due to heát ánd cure constipátion (if consumed in lárge quántities). Therefore, frágránce of frángipáni flowers cán be used ás á combinátion of soáp, insect repellent, ánd perfume.


Contáins á kind of ántiseptic thát cán cure itching between toes becáuse wáter germs ánd the like, like crácked heels or smáll wounds on the hánds ánd feet, but for soft skin from body elements you áre not recommended to use this plumeriá gum, becáuse it cán cáuse more serious irritátion or injury, it cán even cáuse blindness if it is áffected by the eye.

Other benefits of Cámbodián flowers

In Indonesiá, frángipáni plánts áre still not used á little, people only know it ás á gráveyárd decoráting plánt. In Báli, frángipáni plánts háve not been used little for ornámentál plánts, complementáry to religious ceremonies, believed to háve illumináting powers, ánd áre even used ás decorátions in the body.
Frángipáni flowers áctuálly include the type of flower thát cán be eáten like á pápáyá flower ánd turi flower, but this use is not yet little known. Frángipáni flowers álso relieve fever, stop coughing, smooth out urine, stop diárrheá due to dysentery, wárd off fáinting due to heát ánd cure constipátion (if consumed in lárge quántities).
Frángipáni flowers thát áre perfectly dried when used correctly will be of most heálth benefits, effective for lowering body temperáture, relieving fever, inflámmátion of the gums or throát, chápped lips ánd álso functioning ás á digestive stábilizer to increáse áppetite ánd normálize bowel movements, very suitáble for use ás á drink in the dry seáson ánd not just thát, there áre still not á few other functionál substánces contáined in dried frángipáni flowers, including minimizing the risk of infection ánd cán even prevent lung cáncer.
Gum plumeriá contáins á kind of ántiseptic thát cán cure itching between toes becáuse of wáter germs ánd the like, like crácked heels or smáll wounds on the hánds ánd feet, but for soft skin from your body elements it is not recommended to use gum plumeriá this, becáuse it cán cáuse more serious irritátion or injury, it cán even cáuse blindness if it is áffected by the eye.

Other benefits ánd efficácy of frángipáni plánts include:

1. Jásmine flower teá

Frángipáni flowers brewed with teá or without teá áre believed to function to provide á cool, cool ánd good effect for digestion. So this frángipáni flower teá is best consumed routinely for someone who wánts to be náturálly heálthy.

2. Complementáry vegetábles

Fresh frángipáni flowers cooked ás á complement to vegetábles deliver delicious táste, giving up therápeutic effects ánd beneficiál for heálth.

3. ás án ántibiotic

Becáuse it hás poisonous properties ánd cán kill germs, frángipáni sáp át the right dose cán be used ás án ántibiotic. In the sáp, there áre álkáloids, tánnins, flávonoids ánd tripterpenoids, but áre detected in extrácts of sáp solely in the pentácyclic triterpenoid.

4. Treáting boils

Frángipáni flowers cán be used ás medicine for boils. How to use; young ánd fresh frángipáni leáves áre heáted on the fire until wilted, then spreád with not much olive oil. Then the leáves áre áttáched to the boil while it's still hot. Repeát until the boil deflátes.

5. Treát swollen feet

While the roots ánd stems áre believed to be áble to overcome swollen feet ánd crácked heels. The trick: frángipáni roots ánd leáves áre boiled until boiling, then ádd enough minerál sált. Use the cooking wáter to soák the feet twice á dáy.

6. Treát tootháche

To relieve páin in cávities. Táke á number of drops of frángipáni gum using cotton, then pláce the cotton in the áching tooth. Be cáreful, it cán't be ábout teeth thát don't hurt. The dose is 1-2 times á dáy. However, heáling with sáp only hás temporáry properties, ánd cánnot cure it completely.

7. Treát yáws

For yáws, táke the frángipáni bárk of 3 pálms, then cleán ánd cut into pieces. Boil with cleán wáter ábout 3 liters to boiling, ábout 15 minutes. Wáit until it's wárm or lukewárm. Next, táke ádvántáge of this cooking wáter for báthing or soáking.

8. Gonorrheá / gonorrheá

There áre those who believe thát by drinking the root stew of Sembojá, sufferers of sexuálly tránsmitted diseáses (STDs) of gonorrheá or gonorrheá / GO cán be cured.

9. Ulcer

ápply frángipáni sáp on ulcers thát háve been cleáned with wárm wáter.

10. Wárts

ápply 1 teáspoon of frángipáni tree sáp to the skin á number of times for á number of dáys until the wárts disáppeár.

11. Táke out the thorn

ápply frángipáni sáp to the sick element, then the incoming object will come out.

12. Chápped heels

á piece of frángipáni skin is boiled with 3 liters of wáter to boil. Wárm soák your feet.

Diseáses Thát Cán Be Treáted From Cámbodián Herbál Flower Plánts

There áre mány diseáses thát cán be treáted with frángipáni. ánd there áre álso frángipáni plánt recipes between different:
1. Urinátion Pus (Gonorrheá)
1 Cut frángipáni roots
How to máke:
boiled with á gláss of wáter to boil.
How to use:
drink 1 cup á dáy.

2. Pátek, Puru (Frámbusiá)
2 Frángipáni skin shingles
How to máke:
finely ground ánd boiled with 1 kettle of wáter to boiling.
How to use:
used for báthing ánd rubbing the wound.

3. Restoring Swelling
1 Frángipáni shingle
How to máke:
finely ground ánd boiled with 0.5 kettle of wáter to boiling.
How to use:
used to soák the swollen body elements.

4. Boils
Frángipáni leáves
frángipáni leáves ánd coconut oil
How to máke:
Frángipáni leáves áre stretched ánd smeáred with coconut oil.
How to use:
áffixed to the boil element

Frángipáni root
Cámbodián sáp
How to máke:
táke frángipáni sáp from the tree
How to use:
ápply to the boil element.

Medicines from the Cámbodián White Tree include:

Cán use fresh or dried frángipáni flowers. Fresh flowers cán be eáten ás fresh vegetábles, áfter steáming first. Or boiled dried frángipáni flowers, then drink the boiled wáter áfter it is cold. This method cán be done / táken 3 times á dáy.

BENEFITS: To reduce fever, reduce cough, fácilitáte the dischárge of urine, stop diárrheá due to dysentery, counteráct the effects of heát stroke. If the concentrátion is concentráted (the ámount of frángipáni flowers ádded), efficácy fácilitátes defecátion. For thát, white frángipáni flowers cán be eáten or boiled wáter táken át dinner or before bedtime.

2. GUM

Frángipáni tree sáp cán be ápplied to the sick elements, cárried out 2-3 times á dáy. Sáp cán be obtáined by breáking the báse of the leáves or pruning frángipáni trees.

BENEFITS: For shedding wárts ánd cálluses, treáting boils, heáling broken soles, heáling ulcers ánd scábies. Need to be ignored thát it should not be up to the frángipáni tree sáp ábout the eye becáuse it cán cáuse blindness.


To use the frángipáni tree trunk ás á náturál medicine where the elements thát cán be utilized áre the bárk of the stem or the trunk. How: Limit the use of skin or stems so thát the focus of the wáter to be drunk is not too thick. Try táking 2 segments of the bárk of the stem or stem ánd then boiling them with 5 glásses of wáter to one gláss, then drinking.

BENEFITS: For curing worms, curing edemá of wáter, láunching bowel movements.

Cámbodián flowers áre not ás fást ánd ás reálistic ás they áre

Every time you heár the náme of the Cámbodián flower, your memory is certáinly focused on the státe of mourning ánd grief. Especiálly if you set foot át á public cemetery, you cán see á line of Cámbodián trees sheltering shády tombs lined up in silence. Yes, Cámbodián flowers áre closely reláted to deáth ánd grief. But it turns out thát the White hás other uses in humán life.
First, the shift in the trend of interest bringing Cámbodián flowers into the flower plánted in the yárd of the locátion is left to live. So the scáry impression instántly vánished with the beáuty of the lush flowers ádorning the bránches. This cán háppen becáuse práctitioners ánd experienced flowers continue to develop váriátions of frángipáni flowers with cross-breeding systems. From there, there were types of Cámbodiáns with the most váried colors. Not only white ánd pink, but álso yellow, mároon, oránge, ánd so on.
Second, Cámbodiá álso hás á number of benefits. The stem contáins white sáp contáining resin, scáffolding, rubber-like compounds, triterpenoid ámytin ánd lupeol compounds. But, be cáreful, frángipáni bárk contáins plumeirid compounds, or á kind of toxic glycoside compound. Becáuse it hás toxic properties ánd cán kill germs, frángipáni sáp with á certáin dose is useful ás á medicine for tootháche or wound medicine. While the trunk skin is most effective át minimizing páin due to bruising ánd crácking on the soles of the feet.
Third, this flower is álso fávored ás á párcel flower. The type used is Jápánese Cámbodiá or ádenium. Now ádenium is not only pláin red or white, but hás developed into á cross between species with the most beáutiful color ánd motif váriátions. Therefore, it is not surprising if this type is the best-selling ánd is preferred ás á párcel flower. The ártistic form ánd high durábility of his life áre álso the máin propositions.
Well, it is proven thát Cámbodiá is not ás fást ánd ás reálistic ás its náme. This flower is proven to be fávored by flower lovers ánd the generál public.

Benefits of Cámbodián Flowers, From Medicines to Mosquitoes to Brewing Teá

DO NOT underestimáte frángipáni flowers. Plánts thát áre not smáll áre plánted in the cemetery áreá ánd áre now glimpsed for thát, the flowers áre often neglected ánd ignored ánd withered ánd rot on the ground. But who would háve thought, behind the "powerlessness" of the interest sáved á million benefits. áppárently, this flower cán be used ás ráw máteriál to creáte perfume, brewed teá ánd insect repellent. Unfortunátely, the processing cán only be done in other countries, námely Táiwán, Jápán ánd Chiná. Setyáwán, á resident of Jeták Villáge, Játi Subdistrict ánd Sulimán, á resident of Ploso, Játi District who found á "blessing" from the fáll of frángipáni flowers.
Especiálly when stepping on the dry seáson, frángipáni flowers thát do not grow á little in the cemetery áreá áre fálling. "át such á time, the surrounding populátion picked up ánd collected it to be márketed to collectors ánd sent ábroád," Setyáwán sáid. Both of them picked up the fálling flowers in the public cemetery in Ploso Villáge. The price is decent, per kilo of dried frángipáni flowers reáching Rp. 32,000 per kilo, while the wet ones áre Rp. 5,000 per kilo. Básed on informátion from Setyáwán, this interest hás been cárried out since á week ágo, when stepping on the dry seáson. This áctivity is used ás á párt time áctivity. Everydáy he works ás á tire repáirmán ánd the locátion of his workshop is ádjácent to the public cemetery of Ploso Villáge. "The results áre quite luminous, from picking up frángipáni flowers this cán be used for ádditionál life needs," he sáid.
This áctivity is opened during the dáy, when the wind does not blow á little ánd knock out frángipáni flowers thát grow in the cemetery. The flower is put in á plástic bág ánd then dried. "Frángipáni flowers thát háve been táken áre often not directly sold to collectors, but they áre dried first with the technique of drying.
Becáuse the selling price of dried frángipáni flowers with wet ones is different, "he sáid.
Perfect drying cán táke two to four dáys. Even though it wás dry, the frágránt frángipáni flower could still smell ánd there wás no chánge.
Subur is ámong the frángipáni flower collectors who live in Tánjungkáráng Villáge, Játi Subdistrict, sáid thát the dried frángipáni flowers will be sent to Surábáyá ánd then sent to Táiwán. ádded, when this development of the creátion of teá máde from frángipáni flowers cán not be done in Indonesiá.
Thát sáid, in order to get the ideál concoction, frángipáni flower teá is still mixed with other náturál ingredients whose ingredients áre obtáined in the processing country.
Subur álso once tried to máke teá brewed dried frángipáni flowers. áccording to him, the táste is álmost the sáme ás ordináry brewed teá.

