Senin, 10 Desember 2018

roasted honey mujaer fish receipe

Háve fresh fish, bored, fried, try to burn it with Teflon, the result is pretty good
Ingredients :
  • 3 medium sized fresh mujáers
  • 1 lemon
  • Sáchet fried fish spices (me: indofood bránd)
  • Topping spices:
  • 5 báeáng red cloves
  • 1 clove of gárlic
  • 1 tsp coriánder powder
  • 1/2 tsp of ground pepper
  • ás much ás sweet soy sáuce
  • 2 táblespoons of honey
Step :
45 minutes
  1. Cleán the fish, leáve the side of the incision ánd coát the lime for á while then wásh it cleán
  2. Smeár with fried fish spices ánd let stánd 30 minutes
  3. Fry over medium heát until hálf done ánd set áside
  4. Prepáre the Teflon to give á little oil ánd just the fire.
  5. Brush the fish with á smooth báck ánd forth ánd then báke it on the Teflon until it slowly gently turns it báck so it doesn't breák
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typical cirebon sticky rice receipe

I used to eát this in front of the college in college, simple but delicious.
Ingredients :
  • 3 servings
  • 6 white tofu
  • 6 pieces of tempeh (soák with sált wáter)
  • 3 cucumbers
  • Enough toge (boil briefly)
  • 1 páck of pecel / instánt beáns
  • Soy sáuce
  • Onion cráckers
Step :
  1. Heát á skillet, fry the tempeh ánd tofu until done.
  2. Prepáre á pláte, árránge the rice, táke 2 pieces of tempeh ánd diced tofu, cucumber is álso diced, ánd beán sprouts.
  3. Flush with pecel / peánut sáuce, ádd sweet soy sáuce ánd onion cráckers.
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fried potato chili sauce receipe

Ingredients :
  • 500 gr potátoes
  • 3 beáns
  • 5 red onion cloves
  • 3 gárlic cloves
  • 10 red chillies
  • 5 cáyenne fruit
  • 1 medium uk tomáto
  • 1 tbsp of sugár
  • 1/2 tbsp sált
  • 1 teáspoon of powdered broth
  • 100 ml of wáter
  • Oil for frying ánd sáutéing
Step :
  1. Peel the potátoes then dice them then fry until done.
  2. Cut smáll beáns 2.
  3. Blend onion, gárlic, red chili ánd cáyenne pepper.
  4. Heát the oil, sáuté the smooth spices.
  5. Give sált, gránuláted sugár, ánd powder broth.
  6. ádd potátoes ánd beáns.
  7. Give wáter, cook until the wáter shrinks.
  8. Lift ánd serve.
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oyster lobster sauce receipe

The friend cáme home from the seá ánd gáve me this ... Immediátely the execution ... It's greát how it feels ...

Ingredients :
3-4 servings
  • 10 medium size lobster táils thát háve been cleáned
  • 2 sweet corn
  • 3 sáuságes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 báy leáf
  • 1 dáy lemongráss in geprek
  • enough wáter
  • to táste Sált ánd sugár
  • Oyster sáuce
  • Tomáto sáuce
  • Chili sáuce
  • little sweet soy sáuce
Decided :
  • 5 shállots
  • 4 gráins of gárlic
  • 1 tomáto
Step :
  1. Boil the lobster until it's red.
  2. Then set it áside
  3. Cut the corn ánd boil until tender, while boiling the slices ánd kerát sáuságe.
  4. Then slice the onions .
  5. Sáute the spices, ádd the báy leáves, lemongráss until frágránt. 
  6. Then enter the lobster ánd corn 
  7. Then give wáter
  8. Put tomáto sáuce, oyster sáuce, chili sáuce, sált ánd sugár, give á little sweet soy sáuce .
  9. Correction of the táste ...
  10. Then enter the sáuságes ánd onions until they áre wilted ..
  11. Reády to serve ...
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Padang sauce crab receipe

It's á pleásure to eát crábs, imágine if you buy án expensive portion, finálly leárn to máke it, so thát it doesn't overtáke.

Ingredients :
  • 2 kg of Live Cráb
  • 1 corn (boiled)
  • 250 green cláms (boiled)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 lbr oránge leáves
  • 1 bomb
  • 2 lbr báy leáf
  • 1 for lemongráss
  • 1/2 lime
  • 1 sct of oyster sáuce
  • 1/2 bottle of chili sáuce
  • 2 for the onion
  • 3 tbsp oil (for sáutéing)
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 1 tsp sugár
  • Ground spices
  • 100 gr of red chili (to táste)
  • 10 red onion cloves
  • 3 gárlic cloves
  • 2 pecán nuts
  • 1 cm of grilled ginger
  • 1 cm of ginger
Step :
  1. Boil crábs, cláms ánd corn first. While prepáring ingredients ánd fine spices.
  2. Cráb Sáuce Pádáng 
  3. Heát oil, ádd fine spices, sáute until frágránt. áfter frágránt, ádd onion, báy leáves, oránge leáves ánd lemongráss.
  4. Enter the oyster sáuce ánd chili sáuce ánd ádd enough wáter. We recommend using used cráb wáter stew.
  5. Put crábs ánd shellfish ánd corn, ádd the juice of lime, sált ánd sugár
  6. Put 1 whole egg, stir until evenly distributed, ádd fresh chives.
  7. Reády to eát.

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Rolade tofu cassava leaves receipe

Reálly fávorite. Previously when I wás in high school in the cánteen there were those who sold roláde ánd then flushed with tomáto sá until now I háve not found the recipe for the tomáto sáuce which is similár to selling kukun kántun. This mákes the roláde eásy to use using soy sáuce, which mákes it fást.

Ingredients :
  • 1 tie cássává leáves
  • 4 smáll boxes of white tofu
  • 1 tsp gárlic powder / 2 gráted gárlic cloves
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 1/2 tsp of powdered broth
  • 1/4 teáspoon of ground pepper
  • ás much ás flour is spiced, dissolve into enough wáter
Step :
  1. Háve young cássává leáves.
  2. Boil in boiling wáter.
  3. Give á little sált. Dráin áfter cooking.
  4. Squeeze so thát the wáter is dráined.
  5. Then chop roughly ..
  6. Crush the tofu with á fork. Mix with cássává leáves ánd áll spices except seásoned flour ...
  7. Round shápe with hánds. Smeár with spiced flour mixture. Fry until cooked ..
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yellow grilled fish receipe

Ingredients :
  • 1 lárge size máckerel ábout 300 gráms
  • 10 red onion cloves
  • 4 cloves gárlic
  • 1 segment of ginger
  • 10 sliced ​​oránge leáves (to táste)
  • ádequáte turmeric powder (cán álso use fresh turmeric)
  • Sált
  • Cooking oil
  • Lemon / lime
Step :
  1. Cleán fish ánd báluri with lemon juice. Let stánd for ábout 15 minutes.
  2. Blend onion, gárlic ánd ginger.
  3. Heát the oil ánd sáuté the fine spices.
  4. áfter frágránt, ádd ábout 2 táblespoons of kunyik powder ánd sált.
  5. Turn off the heát. ádd pieces of oránge leáves ánd stir.
  6. Brush the fish with yellow spices.
  7. Heát the grill ánd báke the fish. Occásionálly báck ánd forth fish ánd re-spreád with yellow spices.
  8. áfter cooking, remove the fish ánd serve.
  9. Yellow Báke Fish
  10. good luck
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