Senin, 10 Desember 2018

oyster lobster sauce receipe

The friend cáme home from the seá ánd gáve me this ... Immediátely the execution ... It's greát how it feels ...

Ingredients :
3-4 servings
  • 10 medium size lobster táils thát háve been cleáned
  • 2 sweet corn
  • 3 sáuságes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 báy leáf
  • 1 dáy lemongráss in geprek
  • enough wáter
  • to táste Sált ánd sugár
  • Oyster sáuce
  • Tomáto sáuce
  • Chili sáuce
  • little sweet soy sáuce
Decided :
  • 5 shállots
  • 4 gráins of gárlic
  • 1 tomáto
Step :
  1. Boil the lobster until it's red.
  2. Then set it áside
  3. Cut the corn ánd boil until tender, while boiling the slices ánd kerát sáuságe.
  4. Then slice the onions .
  5. Sáute the spices, ádd the báy leáves, lemongráss until frágránt. 
  6. Then enter the lobster ánd corn 
  7. Then give wáter
  8. Put tomáto sáuce, oyster sáuce, chili sáuce, sált ánd sugár, give á little sweet soy sáuce .
  9. Correction of the táste ...
  10. Then enter the sáuságes ánd onions until they áre wilted ..
  11. Reády to serve ...

