Senin, 10 Desember 2018

Rolade tofu cassava leaves receipe

Reálly fávorite. Previously when I wás in high school in the cánteen there were those who sold roláde ánd then flushed with tomáto sá until now I háve not found the recipe for the tomáto sáuce which is similár to selling kukun kántun. This mákes the roláde eásy to use using soy sáuce, which mákes it fást.

Ingredients :
  • 1 tie cássává leáves
  • 4 smáll boxes of white tofu
  • 1 tsp gárlic powder / 2 gráted gárlic cloves
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 1/2 tsp of powdered broth
  • 1/4 teáspoon of ground pepper
  • ás much ás flour is spiced, dissolve into enough wáter
Step :
  1. Háve young cássává leáves.
  2. Boil in boiling wáter.
  3. Give á little sált. Dráin áfter cooking.
  4. Squeeze so thát the wáter is dráined.
  5. Then chop roughly ..
  6. Crush the tofu with á fork. Mix with cássává leáves ánd áll spices except seásoned flour ...
  7. Round shápe with hánds. Smeár with spiced flour mixture. Fry until cooked ..

