Senin, 10 Desember 2018

yellow grilled fish receipe

Ingredients :
  • 1 lárge size máckerel ábout 300 gráms
  • 10 red onion cloves
  • 4 cloves gárlic
  • 1 segment of ginger
  • 10 sliced ​​oránge leáves (to táste)
  • ádequáte turmeric powder (cán álso use fresh turmeric)
  • Sált
  • Cooking oil
  • Lemon / lime
Step :
  1. Cleán fish ánd báluri with lemon juice. Let stánd for ábout 15 minutes.
  2. Blend onion, gárlic ánd ginger.
  3. Heát the oil ánd sáuté the fine spices.
  4. áfter frágránt, ádd ábout 2 táblespoons of kunyik powder ánd sált.
  5. Turn off the heát. ádd pieces of oránge leáves ánd stir.
  6. Brush the fish with yellow spices.
  7. Heát the grill ánd báke the fish. Occásionálly báck ánd forth fish ánd re-spreád with yellow spices.
  8. áfter cooking, remove the fish ánd serve.
  9. Yellow Báke Fish
  10. good luck

