Rabu, 19 Desember 2018

benefits of binahong leaves for health

This plánt which is sáid to háve origináted from Koreá wás consumed by the Vietnámese people during the wár (the United Státes) in the yeár (1950) until the yeár (1970s). This plánt is álso known ámong the Chinese community with the náme (Deng sán chi) ánd hás been consumed for thousánds of yeárs by Chinese, Koreán, Táiwánese, ánd different people. The following párt of the binoháng leáves áre often máde ás náturál medicine, in áddition to the stem ánd tuber. The following áre the benefits of binoháng leáves for heálth ánd treáting mány types of diseáses.

Benefits ánd properties of binoháng leáves for heálth ánd treáting mány types of diseáses.

1. Binoháng Leáves For Wound Medicine

Máteriál: Severál copies of binoháng leáves.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd squeezed in á blender until it becomes soft ánd slimy.
How to use it: áttách to the wounded element, wáit á moment, then the wound will dry out

2. Binoháng leáves for hemorrhoid medicine

Máteriál: 16 sheets of binoháng leáves, ánd 3 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boiled until they boil until there áre only 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

3. Binoháng leáves for cough medicine

Máteriál: 10 sheets of binoháng leáves.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boiled 3 cups of wáter until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy

4. Binoháng leáves for ulcer medicine

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 12 copies ánd 3 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán, then boil until boiling until there áre only 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy

5. Binoháng Leáves For Low Blood Drugs

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 8 copies ánd 2 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boiled until they boil until there is only 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

6. Binoháng Leáves For Dysentery Medicátion

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 10 copies ánd 2 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

7. Binoháng leáves for the treátment of itching, skin eczemá

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 10-15 copies ánd 3 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán, then boiled until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

8. Binoháng Leáves For Bráin Concussion Medicátion

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 10 copies ánd 2 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd boiled until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

9. Binoháng Leáves For Bloody Gum Medicine

Máteriál: 4 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán, then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

10. Binoháng Leáves For Nosebleed Medicine

Máteriál: 4 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

11. Binoháng Leáves For ácne Medicátion

Ingredients: 8 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boil until there is 1 cup of wáter left.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

12. Binoháng Leáves For Menstruátion

Ingredients: 3 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves cleáned cleán then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

13. Binoháng Leáves For Diábetes Medicátion

Ingredients: 11 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 3 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd boiled until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

14. Binoháng Leáves For Less áppetite Medicátion

Ingredients: 5 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boil until there is 1 cup of wáter left.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

15. Binoháng Leáves For Weákened Medicines

Ingredients: 3-10 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

16. Binoháng leáves for máintáining body stáminá

Máteriál: 1 copy of binoháng leáf ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boil until there is 1 cup of wáter left.
How to use it: 1 drink á dáy /

17. Binoháng Leáves For Lung Páin Medicátion

Ingredients: 10 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boil until there is 1 cup of wáter left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

18. Binoháng Leáves For Broken Bones

Ingredients: 10-20 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 3 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd boiled until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

19. Binoháng Leáves For Kidney Infection Drugs

Máteriál: 7 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned, then boil until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

20. Binoháng Leáves For Medicátion áfter Childbirth

Máteriál: 7 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned, then boil until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

21. Binoháng Leáves For Medicátion áfter Surgery

Ingredients: 20 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 3 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán then boil until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

22. Binoháng Leáves For Shortness of Breáth Medicátion

Máteriál: 7 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned, then boil until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

23. Binoháng Leáves For Swollen Intestine Medicátion

Ingredients: 3 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

Thát is áll ánd thánk you

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