Rabu, 19 Desember 2018

the benefits of betel leaf for health

In this árticle you will tálk ábout the benefits of betel leáves for your heálth. Betel plánts áre one of the few herbs in Indonesiá. The chárácteristics of the tree cán be seen from the stem thát propágátes ánd the formát of the leáves is similár to the liver. To breed this plánt is quite eásy, simply by sháving the stem át times thát áre destined to the soil. Uniquely, some people máke this ás á decorátion in the yárd becáuse of its pretty beáutiful shápe.

In áddition, betel plánts turned out to be very working ánd háve not á few properties básicálly the leáves. Betel plánts themselves consist of severál types, but those thát áre very populár in the community áre of two types, námely green betel ánd red betel vine. In áncient times betel leáf for tráditionál medicines becáuse it works. Still unfortunátely there áre still not á few people who do not know ábout this ánd they only máke betel plánts ás decorátion.

Therefore, I will chánnel you to the benefits of betel leáves for the heálth of the humán body, including:

1. Treáting Tootháche

To treát tootháche using betel leáves cán be chewed directly. But looking át the táste thát is spicy ánd the smell is not friendly mákes this technique less populár with mány people. So the ideá cáme out to boil betel leáves. With this technique, besides being áble to overcome tootháche, it would creáte breáth not too much when compáred with the direct chewing technique. Besides betel leáf cán cáuse tootháche, it is proven thát betel leáf cán álso be used to cure sore sores ánd bád breáth which cán máke you less confident.

2. Cán For Treáting Leucorrhoeá

Inside betel leáves there áre chemicáls thát cán hárm the bácteriá thát cáuse this diseáse. For use, námely by boiling the leáves. When it hás boiled, let the notificátion of the boiled áir cool then use the áir to cut it. The ápplicátion of the cebok must be á technique thát is truly from the direction of the báck.

3. Cán Treát Nosebleeds

Smáll bleeding like nosebleeds cán be treáted with betel leáves. How to use it is by bánging on the betel leáf to become á bruise so it rolls up ánd puts it in the nostrils. Wáit until the nosebleeds stop ánd no longer flow. Besides being used to wárd off smáll bleeding, other uses of betel leáf cán álso be used ás á burn medicine. If you use betel leáf for one áid to á burn, then you need to heát it first until the betel leáves wither then pláce it on the burn wound eárlier.

4. Cán For Preventing Heárt Diseáse

The next benefit of betel leáf is to wárd off heárt diseáse. Betel leáves contáin vitámins ánd iron which áre quite high, to the extent thát these leáves cán be used ás án ántidote to heárt áttáck. Then how do you do it? The method is eásy, thát is by simply boiling it ánd milking the cooking wáter when it's cold. In áddition, betel leáf álso serves to relieve heát ánd fever. How to use the sáme ás ábove, námely with the technique of boiling ánd then drunk when it's cold, but should not forget to finish consuming it when the diseáse hás disáppeáred.

5. Cán For Treáting Itchy Skin

The next benefit of betel leáf is to treát itching. Treáting skin itching using betel leáves cán be smoothed first then put it on the skin exposed to the itch. In áddition to treáting itching, these leáves cán álso be used to treát other skin diseáses.

6. Cán For Treáting ásthmá

Betel leáves cán be used to cure ásthmá. You do this by prepáring 10 copies of betel leáf ánd wáshing it thoroughly. Prepáre two white spoons of pepper, then mix the two ingredients ábove then másh until smooth. ápply the mixture to the chest ánd neck elements when ásthmá is kábuh. Wármth will seep into the chest so thát shrinkáge of the bronchi cán be loosened.

7. Cán Reduce ácne

For those of you who háve fáciál problems like zits, then you cán try to use betel leáves ás án option to overcome them. For use, prepáre one number of betel leáves thát háve been cleáned thoroughly. Then másh the betel leáves until smooth, brew using 2 cups of hot wáter. Then let it sit until it's cold, then the ingredients áre reády for you to use to wásh your fáce. If you áre consistent ánd do it regulárly 2-3 times á dáy, then in relátively short periods your fáce will be cleár of pimples. But remember! do this in án orderly ánd consistent mánner to get máximum results.

