Minggu, 16 Desember 2018

ribs roasted honey receipe

My husbánd likes to eát goát meát. wánt to be gule, sátáy, krengsengán, burnt, goát stáple, just go
Incidentálly, when I pláced my order online yesterdáy, I wás háppy with the ribs of goáts, ánd the number of ribs wás burned.

Ingredients :
  •     750 g of goát ribs
    Seásoning :
  •     50 gráms / 1/2 of gárlic cloves
  •     1 tbsp gárlic páste
  •     1 teáspoon máshed ginger / ginger páste
  •     1 tsp pepper powder
  •     1 tsp bláck pepper powder
  •     3 táblespoons of honey
  •     3 táblespoons sweet soy sáuce
  •     3-4 tbsp oránge juice from sweet oránge juice
  •     2 táblespoons tomáto sáuce
  •     1 táblespoon oyster sáuce
  •     enough sált
Step :
  1.     Sáute the gárlic, onion ánd ginger until frágránt, set áside.
  2.     Cut the goát ribs, put them in á contáiner.
  3.     Mix the sáuteed onion ánd áll the spices in the bowl, mix well.
  4.     Then pour it into á contáiner of mutton. mix well until áll párts of the ribs áre covered with spices.
  5.     Option 1: let the meát stánd for 1 hour so the spices soák ánd then immediátely burned. I've tried it, enáákkk ... juicy meát. not too long so thát the meát does not become hárd.
  6.     Option 2: Prepáre the pressure cooker, ádd the ribs ánd pour enough wáter which is importánt ás the ribs cán be submerged. yesterdáy I presto not counted 20 minutes since the presto ráng. the meát wás tender ánd eásily sepáráted from the bone. láter it will be burned for á while while smeáred with the remáining seásoning in the pán.
  7.     Grilled ribs áre reády to be enjoyed. eát with wárm rice, hmmm ... it's delicious

