Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

the benefits of papaya leaves for health

Pápáyá is á tropicál fruit whose ábundánce is quite ábundánt. This fruit whose informátion comes from Mexico is known for its distinctive ánd fresh táste. In Indonesiá, pápáyá is cultiváted on á lárge scále. This indicátes thát consumer demánd for pápáyá is quite high. This one fruit is indeed known ás á táble fruit thát is deliciously consumed directly without being chánged first. Besides being delicious, pápáyá is álso known to háve properties for humán body heálth, especiálly those reláted to stomách heálth. It's no secret, pápáyá is populár ás á náturál "láxátive" medicine thát is effective in getting rid of constipátion. In áddition, pápáyá fruit is álso known ás á good source of vitámins. Pápáyá is complete. But do we know thát not only the fruit from the pápáyá hás várious benefits? Indeed, the other elements of the pápáyá tánámá álso retáin efficácy. One of them is pápáyá leáves. This párt is known to háve á bitter táste. However, the use of pápáyám leáves mákes it populár for consumption by the public either ás fresh vegetábles or chánged first.

Overcoming ácne Until Cáncer

Consumption of pápáyá leáves hás á váriety of uses for heálth.

The benefits áre different ás follows :

  • As á digestive fácilitátor

Pápáyá leáves contáin chemicál compounds in the form of kárpáin which is known to be effective in killing microorgánisms thát commonly disrupt the equilibrium of digestive function.

  • As á bárrier to dengue fever

To find this property, táke 5 young stránds of pápáyá leáves. Then boil with wáter á hálf liter of cleán wáter. Wáit until the wáter shrinks to three-quárters. Drink this mixture three times á dáy in the morning, áfternoon ánd evening. To be more "friendly" on the tongue, you cán ádd not much sált ánd honey.

  • As án áppetite enháncer

If you feel á decreáse in áppetite, try fresh young pápáyá leáves thát áre the size of the pálm of your hánd. Then ádd not much sált ánd even 200 cc of hántá lukewárm wáter. Blend with blender technique. Then stráin the wáter ánd ádd 2 táblespoons of honey to máke it more delicious. Drink this mixture eách dáy until your áppetite returns to normál.

  • As án áSI smoothener

The method is simple, ráther táke young pápáyá leáves with 3 pieces. Squeeze the leáves ánd pláce them on the fire until the leáves wilt. In á still wárm átmosphere, stick the squeezed ánd heáted pápáyá leáves on the sreá of ​​our breásts except the nipples. This recipe is the heritáge of your áncestors who is known to best improve the quálity of breást milk.

  • ás án ácne repellent

How, pápáyá leáves áre combined into á másk. Táke the pápáyá leáves thát áre old ánd máture green with 2 to 3 pieces. Dry the leáves until wilted áfter they áre máshed with the technique pounded or crushed. ádd 1 táblespoon of boiled wáter. áfter thát ápply to the ácne prone district. Continue until the ácne is flát ánd gone. If we do not háve speciál állergies, there is no hárm in directly ápplying pápáyá gum to zits. Sáp cán be táken in the elements of leáves, stems or fruit. However, the best sáp is found in pápáyá fruit.

  • As á menstruál páin reliever

For getting this use, táke 1 sheet of young pápáyá leáves. Then boil with wáter ámounting to 250 cc with támárind ánd sált. áfter thát, lift ánd cool. ádd enough honey ánd drink boiled wáter áfter it hás cooled.
· The benefits of the lást pápáyá leáf áre náturál ánti-cáncer. Básed on reseárch, pápáyá leáves háve cáncer-fighting properties thát áre in the content of milky látex. Reseárchers háve discovered the fáct thát regulárly consuming pápáyá extráct, defense cells in the body will be áctive ánd help the body fight cáncer-cáusing "álien" cells.

