Senin, 10 Desember 2018

fried potato chili sauce receipe

Ingredients :
  • 500 gr potátoes
  • 3 beáns
  • 5 red onion cloves
  • 3 gárlic cloves
  • 10 red chillies
  • 5 cáyenne fruit
  • 1 medium uk tomáto
  • 1 tbsp of sugár
  • 1/2 tbsp sált
  • 1 teáspoon of powdered broth
  • 100 ml of wáter
  • Oil for frying ánd sáutéing
Step :
  1. Peel the potátoes then dice them then fry until done.
  2. Cut smáll beáns 2.
  3. Blend onion, gárlic, red chili ánd cáyenne pepper.
  4. Heát the oil, sáuté the smooth spices.
  5. Give sált, gránuláted sugár, ánd powder broth.
  6. ádd potátoes ánd beáns.
  7. Give wáter, cook until the wáter shrinks.
  8. Lift ánd serve.
