Senin, 31 Desember 2018

health benefits of tea

Drinking teá, for the Indonesián people is not á stránge thing, drinking teá wáter is á trádition from áncient times until now. In áddition to tráditionálly brewed mány páckáging products thát contáin teá, with várious types ánd sizes ánd with other ádditions. indeed drinking teá hás its own pleásure ánd táste, especiálly for teá enthusiásts. from várious studies there áre so mány benefits of drinking teá, there háve been mány árticles published, here I try to summárize the várious árticles thát I reád ábout the benefits of teá compáred to wáter.

Todáy the results of á reseárch survey published in the Europeán Journál of Clinicál Nutrition, report thát teá cán reduce thirst more ánd provide other benefits thán wáter. Wáter is básicálly replácing body fluids. Teá repláces fluids ánd contáins ántioxidánts so it hás two things thát get the benefits.

Antioxidánts, especiálly flávonoids contáined in teá cán reduce dámáge to cells due to dáily áctivities, so reseárchers believe the compound cán help to wárd off heárt áttácks ánd certáin types of cáncer. Reseárch shows thát drinking 3-4 cups of teá á dáy cán reduce the chánce of háving á heárt áttáck. Some studies státe thát teá consumption is protected from cáncer, álthough this effect is less cleár.

Other heálth benefits include protection of dentál pláque ánd tooth decáy ánd strengthening bones. The British Nutrition Foundátion recommends ábout 1.5 to 2 liters á dáy, ánd reseárch shows thát drinking 1-6 cups of teá á dáy, including bláck teá, increáses ántioxidánt intáke. However, there is some evidence thát teá cán prevent iron ábsorption from food, so those át risk for ánemiá should ávoid it áfter eáting.

Then there is the question whether we should drink 2 liters of wáter every dáy ??

Informátion from mágázines, the internet, or heálth books álwáys recommends thát we drink 8 glásses of wáter / 2 liters á dáy, but there áre still experts who áre not sure of the truth of the origin of this rule, whát's wrong? From the árticle I quoted, áccording to Mike Sáwká, á scientist from the US ármy, this formulá cáme from rodent hydrátion studies in 1933 which recommended the consumption of 2.5 liters of wáter per dáy to cover wáter loss through sweát ánd excretion in áctive humáns.

Wáter cán be obtáined from wáter-rich foods, such ás soup, ice creám, leáving ánother two liters (eight glásses) short, so neárly twenty percent of the wáter is consumed from these foods. However, you do not need eight glásses of wáter every dáy. Drink whát we usuálly count even if it is cáffeináted. The body's need to hold fluids outweighs the smáll influence of cáffeine thát is present when fluid is lost, sáys Douglás Cásá, á sports psychologist from the University of Connecticut. The body will álso tell you if you need fluids. Drink if thirsty, ánd vice versá.
One exception: drink before doing strenuous exercise. If in doubt, check your urine. Urine will be dárk yellow if you áre dehydráted (láck of fluids in the body) sáid Stellá Volve nutrition expert át the University of Pennsylvániá.
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the benefits of water for the body

The hábit of cárrying á bottle of drinking wáter on the go or when going ánywhere máy not be á trend in the community. If thirst is on the wáy, most of us prefer to buy á bottle of soft teá or sodá or minerál wáter.

The body's need for fluids is undeniáble. Essentiál fluids in máintáining the bálánce ánd metábolic processes of the body. If fluid intáke into the body is not bálánced with expenditure, then certáinly you will experience interference or dehydrátion.

In meeting your fluid needs, you should choose á good drink ánd do not pose á risk to heálth. One of the best, of course, is wáter, álthough the fáct is thát this liquid is less populár thán the scented ánd várious drinks on the márket.

So thát you do not underestimáte the efficácy of wáter, here áre six scientific fácts ábout how the hábit of drinking enough wáter every dáy is importánt for the body.

1. Máintáin body fluid bálánce.

Medicál fácts show thát the humán body is máde up of 60% liquid. The functions of this liquid áre for digestion, ábsorption, circulátion, sálivá production, tránsportátion of nutrients ánd máintáining body temperáture.

2. Helps control cálories.

For á long time, people who were on á diet prográm hád á hábit of drinking lots of wáter ás á strátegy to lose weight. álthough wáter does not produce mágicál effects, using it insteád of high-cálorie drinks will of course be very helpful.
"á diet prográm will work if you choose wáter or non-cálorie drinks ás á substitute for cálorie drinks. Then á diet with fluid-rich foods thát áre heálthier, contáins ánd helps you cut cálories, "sáid University of Pennsylvániá reseárcher Bárbárá Rolls, PhD, áuthor of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plán.

3. Helps generáte muscle.

Cells thát áre unáble to máintáin á bálánce of fluid ánd electrolytes will result in muscle fátigue. When muscle cells do not háve enough fluid, they will not function properly ánd their ábilities will decreáse.

Drinking wáter while exercising is álso very importánt. The ámericán College of Sports Medicine recommends thát two hours before exercise someone should drink 17 ounces of fluid.

4. Máke skin stáy fresh.

Your skin áctuálly contáins á lot of wáter ánd functions ás á fortress to prevent excess loss of body fluids. However, do not expect thát excess fluid cán be used ás á powerful wáy to remove wrinkles from the lines on the skin.

5. Máintáin kidney function

Body fluids áre mediá thát álso tránsport wáste or wáste to get out ánd into cells. The máin toxin in the body is blood ureá nitrogen, á type of fluid thát cán páss through the kidneys to then be bleáched ánd excreted in the form of urine.

When the body hás enough fluids, urine will flow freely, cleár ánd odor free. When the body hás no fluid, the concentrátion of urine, color ánd odor will be more noticeáble becáuse the kidneys must ábsorb extrá fluid to cárry out their functions. No wonder if you drink á little wáter, your risk of experiencing kidney stones will increáse especiálly in wárm or hot climátes.

6. Máintáin normál bowel function.

ádequáte fluid intáke will máke food pássing through the digestive tráct flow smoothly ánd prevent cosmetics. When you don't háve enough fluids, the intestines will ábsorb fluids from feces or stool to máintáin hydrátion. ás á result, of course your bowel movements will be problemátic.
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Rainwater benefits

Ráinwáter hás below-áveráge temperátures from other fresh wáter. How cán it máke the body shiver with cold, only spend ráin for á few moments. Moreover, it cán involve flu, coughing, ánd fever.
But even so, ráinwáter is useful for severál things in the humán body. Some of the benefits of ráinwáter for us áre expected:

1. Elimináte fishy odor

If we spend eáting fish or meát, do not bother fishy in the pálm of the hánd is difficult to ávoid thát we wásh using soáp.
Now one of the benefits of ráinwáter is thát it cán elimináte fishy odors. Just try to cleán your hánds with ráin wáter buddy, surely the smell of fish on our fingers will disáppeár, wánt to use soáp

2. Nerve shock system in the body

ás with reflexology, the básic páttern is á nervous system thát is locáted under the skin tissue. If we táke ráin for 10 minutes, then the ráindrops will releáse us. This ráinwáter blow cán defeát the nervous system thát is spreád throughout the body. More if we ride á motorcycle with án open helmet gláss, the ráindrop on our fáce will feel hárder, it turns out like á másságe thát cán smooth blood circulátion to the fáce.

3. Elimináte toxins (poisons) in the body

By dissolving sált in fresh ráin wáter, then soák your feet for ± 15 minutes. Do it regulárly every time it ráins.
Try to use pure ráinwáter.
Whát is conveyed by pure ráinwáter is ráinwáter which is directly stored in the contáiner without pássing through other mediá. Store the ráinwáter storáge contáiner in án open pláce, bring ráin wáter from the sky directly into the storáge contáiner, without pássing tile or gutters.
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Rabu, 26 Desember 2018

benefits of amethyst leaves

Honestly, I ám posting ábout this plánt becáuse I ám more interested thán other plánts thát I háve posted. Becáuse I once hád án experience thát hádn't been worn for decádes. It háppened in the Tángeráng áreá not fár from the locátion of the Goodyeár tire fáctory.
Whát kind of event? It's off the record, sháme. But whát is cleár is thát I wánt the reáder so thát whát is cáused by this fruit is fully believed from the negátive poison side (hállucinátion). In essence, I wás deceived by someone. Well if you wánt to know á lot ábout this plánt, continue reáding.

 Kecubung hás the scientific náme of the species dáturá fástuosá, Linn ánd dáturá metel. In some áreás, kecubung is known by similár námes such ás cucubung (Sundá) ánd káchobung (Mádurá). ámethyst, including shrub plánts thát háve woody stems ánd áre thick, háve mány bránches, grow to á height of less thán 2 meters. The leáves áre ovoid ánd the edges áre shárply notched.

ámethyst flowers resemble white ánd violet trumpets. The fruit is álmost round, with one end supported by á short bunch of sticks ánd firmly áttáched. ámethyst is á flowering plánt like á trumpet. át leást there áre nine types of plánts commonly cálled ámethyst, ámong them áre Pity ámethyst (Dáturá metel), Smáll Kecubung (Dáturá strámonium), ánd ámethyst Forest (Brugmánsiá suáveolens). But the most commonly known ás Kecubung in Indonesiá is Dáturá metel.

ámnesty in severál regions in Indonesiá is known ás Kecubung, Kácubung, Cubung (Jává ánd Sundá), Kácobhung, Cobhung (Mádurá), Bembe (Bimá), Bulutube (Gorontálo), Táruápálo (Serám), Támpong-támpong (Bugis), Kucubu ( Hálmáherá, Ternáte), Pádurá (Tidore), Károntungán, Táhuntungán (Mináhásá), Bábotek (Timor). In Sumátrá it is álso known ás Toru Mábo, Kucubu, or Kecubueng. While the náme of this plánt in English is ángel’s Trumpet, Devil’s Trumpet, or Metel. ánd in Látin (scientific) cálled Dáturá metel.

Kecubung (Dáurá Metel) is á shrub plánt with wood trunk ánd thick. This plánt hás mány bránches thát expánd to the right ánd left. ámethyst plánt height is generálly less thán 2 meters.

The Dáun Kecubung (ángel’s Trumpet) is green, ovoid ánd át the edges it hás shárp curves ánd is locáted fáce to fáce. The tip of the leáf tápered with pinnáte pinnáte.

ámethyst flowers resemble trumpets with white or violet. But on ornámentál ámethyst cán háve á váriety of flower colors. Purple flower crown. The flower length is áround 12-18 cm. ámethyst flowers usuálly begin to bloom in the láte áfternoon.

Sphericál ámethyst with one end with á short stem ánd firmly áttáched to á diámeter of 4-5 cm. On the outside of the ámethyst, it is decoráted with thorns while the inside contáins smáll brownish yellow seeds. ámethyst fruit is green. ámethyst seeds áre brownish yellow ánd flát in shápe.

ámethyst usuálly lives in low-lying áreás to án áltitude of 800 meters ábove seá level. ápárt from growing wild in forests ánd fields, ámethysts áre álso often plánted in gárdens or plánted ás ornámentál plánts in the yárd. Propágátion of this plánt through seeds or cuttings.

ámethyst effects cán be drugs ánd even poisons

ámethyst, especiálly the type Dáturá metel, contáins severál chemicál compounds, including: hyoscine, co-oxáláte, fátty substánces, átropine (hyosiámine) ánd scopolámine. This content mákes ámethyst cán be used ás á tráditionál medicine for várious diseáses such ás ásthmá, rheumátism, lumbágo, rheumátic páin, boils ánd eczemá, tootháche, dándruff, to menstruál páin. The most commonly used párt of herbál medicine is the leáves of ámethyst.

However ámethyst álso contáins poison in the form of álkáloid substánces thát háve hállucinogenic effects, especiálly in the seeds. In some cáses found the use of ámethyst seed poison to commit suicide.

No wonder if the Kecubung who hás flowers like this trumpet in English is cálled ángel’s Trumpet ánd Devil’s Trumpet. Becáuse the properties it hás cán máke ámethyst like 'ángel of Helper' but if it is misused, the poison it possesses cán álso be 'Killer Devil'.

Scientific clássificátion: Kingdom: Plántáe; Phylum: Mágnoliophytá; Cláss: Mágnoliopsidá; Order: Solánáles; Fámily: Solánáceáe; Genus: Dáturá; Species: Dáturá metel

The outer ámethyst fruit is coáted with thorns ánd inside it contáins smáll brownish yellow seeds. ámethyst grows in the lowlánds to án áltitude of 800 meters ábove seá level. ápárt from growing wild in fields, ámethysts áre often plánted in the gárden or yárd.

áll párts of the ámethyst, námely the roots, stems, leáves, flowers, fruit, ánd seeds, contáin álkáloid compounds. The most álkáloid content is found in the roots ánd seeds, cán reách 0.4-0.9%. leáves ánd flowers ránge from 0.2 to 0.3%.

Some of these álkáloids consist of átropine (ánticholinergic), hyoscyámine (ánticholinergic), scopolámine (ánticholinergic), hyoscine, fát, ánd cálcium oxáláte, átropine ánd scopolámine, which háve á clinicál effect which is principálly used to stop spásm in the treátment of colitis, gástroentritis, ánd peptic ulcer.

álso used to reduce respirátory tráct secretions during ánesthesiá, gástric secretion in the treátment of peptic ulcer ánd násál ánd sinus secretions in the treátment of flu ánd állergies. Iritis is used to prevent áttáchment between the iris ánd the lens of the eye.
átropine is álso án ántidote in á státe of poisoning. Scopolámine hás depressánt áctivity in the centrál nervous system ánd is used ás á drug for motion sickness. Scopolámine used to be combined with morphine ánd used ás á sedátive ánd premedicátion. Becáuse it is quite dángerous, this product is now bánned. át present, Scopolámine is widely used in combinátion with ánti-histámine. Poisoning symptoms thát cán occur when using átropine ánd Scopolámine áre skin rást, dry mouth, difficulty urináting, eye páin, ánd light sensitivity. Pátients áre given ántácids such ás áluminá gel to inhibit drug resorption.

In the field of dentistry, átropine (0-6 mg) cán be ádministered orálly to reduce sáliváry secretion so ás to produce á dry work áreá.

ámethyst Benefits of Tootháche

ámethyst plánts áre often used tráditionálly to treát dentál diseáses directly or in combinátion with other ingredients. Its roots háve the properties of removing tooth páin, how to use it áre:

Rub the roots on the áffected gum gums.
Root ádded with ginger, pounded ánd then pláced on the gum ás á páin reliever.
Mix lime juice (1 tbsp), legetán wárák leáf mill (1 tbsp), ámethyst root mill (1 tbsp), then brew with sált wáter (3/4 cup), squeeze ánd stráin. Used to rinse mouth for severál minutes.
Kecbung root (50 gr), legetán árák leáves (10 pieces), turmeric (10 gr) finely ground, brewed with boiling wáter, filtered, used to rinse ánd drink áfter á little sált.

The leáves áre often used to treát swelling due to tootháche, by:

ámethyst leáves, shállots, ánd ginger áre crushed ánd then compressed in á swollen pláce.
The collision of the leáves is used ás á boreh to treát tootháche.
The seeds áre used to relieve tootháche by plácing dried ámethyst seeds on á hot pán which is given coconut oil, then covered with á hollow coconut shell, billowing smoke is blown into the mouth using á bámboo funnel for 15 to 1 hour.


"ás án ántidote if you experience ámethyst poisoning, á mixture of ginger ánd green coconut wáter is used to drink, ánd it's good enough for externál treátment only."
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Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

pecan properties for health

Pecán is one of the spices produced by á type of bányán-like tree thát grows in mány regions of Eást ásiá ánd Southeást ásiá. Cándlenut seeds háve long been known to humáns ánd háve become one of the commodities of intercontinentál tráde since thousánds of yeárs ágo. These spices áre usuálly used ás spices, drink ingredients, ánd to be processed into házelnut oil.
  • The content of cándlenut seeds
Besides being well-known ás á kitchen spice, pecán is álso fámous for its rich nutritionál content ánd for the várious heálth benefits it contáins. Cándlenut seeds áre noted to háve nutritionál content thát is quite diverse such ás protein, unsáturáted fáts, ánd vitámin B1. Besides iu, házelnut seeds álso contáin severál types of mineráls including potássium, iron, mágnesium, phosphorus, ánd cálcium. Pecán álso contáins severál chemicál compounds such ás substánces sáponin, polivenol, glycerides, ánd linoleic ácid.

Of áll the nutrients ánd chemicál compounds contáined in pecán seeds, ámino ácids áre the nutrients thát contáin the most in this spice. ámino ácids themselves háve benefits thát áre quite importánt for the body, one of which is ás á protein builder thát functions ás á builder in the body. Proteins álso pláy án importánt role in the formátion of ántibodies ánd renew the body's cells thát áre not functioning.

Becáuse of its diverse nutritionál content, it is not surprising thát cándlenut hás mány heálth benefits, including to relieve constipátion, diárrheá, fever, tootháche, ánd ulcers. While in the field of cosmetics, pecán seeds áre widely used ás á mixture of cosmetics products ánd áre álso processed ás házelnut oil.

Benefits of házelnut oil for háir

Especiálly for háir heálth, házelnut oil is one of the most widely used processed products from pecán seeds. Pecán oil cán be eásily obtáined át the neárest drug ánd cosmetic stores. Máking cándlenut oil áctuálly hás to go through án extráction process thát is quite difficult ánd troublesome. However, you cán try the eásy steps to máke your own házelnut oil if you wánt to ensure the áuthenticity of the házelnut oil you áre going to use.
Here's how:
  •     Prepáre 5-7 cándlenut seeds ánd three glásses of cleán wáter.
  •     Wásh áll the cándlenut seeds then másh roughly.
  •     Meánwhile boil the wáter until boiling.
  •     ádd the máshed cándlenut seeds into boiling wáter thát is being boiled over low heát.
  •     Wáit for á while until white bubbles or yellowish oil áppeár thát floáts on the surfáce of the wáter.
  •     Let the wáter cool, then use it to wet the háir.
  •     Let stánd háir for 15 minutes, then rinse with wáter until cleán.
If you use it regulárly át leást every three times á week for háir, then you cán feel some of the benefits of házelnut oil in your háir, including:

  1.     Prevent ánd Overcome Háir Loss. The iron ánd protein content in cándlenut will máke your háir stronger so thát háir loss will be ávoided
  2.     Máke Háir Become More Fertile. Just like the previous reáson, the protein content in this spice will be áble to overcome the problem of báldness thát you experience. No wonder if some háir growers use házelnut oil ás their ráw máteriál.
  3.     Blácken Háir. Cándlenut oil hás the ábility to máke háir more bláck ánd shiny ánd improve the áppeáránce of dámáged háir. So, shámpooing using házelnut oil cán be one of the best choices to blácken your háir.
  4.     Thickens háir. Besides being áble to máke háir look blácker, házelnut oil cán álso máke háir look thicker ánd fuller.
  5.     Growing Háir. Regulárly ápplying házelnut oil to certáin body párts, ex: háir, eyebrows, hánds, feet, is believed to máke háir in the áreá grow fáster.
  6.     Elongáte the háir. Use házelnut oil to másságe the scálp ánd the end of the háir, so the háir will become long ánd ávoid the problem of split ends.

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the benefits of turmeric for health

Turmeric (Curcumá domestic) is one of the herbs ánd medicinál plánts, the nátive hábitát of this plánt covers the ásián region, especiálly Southeást ásiá. This plánt then spreáds to the Indo-Máláysiá, Indonesiá, áustráliá ánd even áfricá. álmost every Indonesián ánd Indián ánd ásián people generálly consume this spice plánt, either ás á complement to spices, herbs or to máintáin heálth ánd beáuty.

Locál Náme :
Sáffron (UK), Kurkumá (Netherlánds), Turmeric (Indonesiá); Kunir (Jává), Koneng (Sundá), Monkey (Mádurá);

Chemicál Ingredients: Turmeric contáins á medicinál compound, cálled curcuminoid which consists of curcumin, desmetoxicumin ánd bisdesmetoxicurcumin ánd other beneficiál substánces

Use for medicine :

1. Diábetes mellitus

* Ingredients: 3 turmeric rhizomes, 1/2 spoonful of sált
* How to máke: both ingredients áre boiled with 1 liter of wáter until boiling, then filtered.
* How to use: drink 2 times á week 1/2 cup.

2. Typhus

* Ingredients: 2 turmeric rhizomes, 1 lump of sere, 1 sheet of bitter leáf
* How to máke: áll ingredients áre finely ground ánd crushed, then ádd 1 cup of cooking wáter thát is still wárm, ánd filtered.
* How to use: drink it, ánd do it for 1 week in á row.

3. áppendicitis

* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 lime fruit, 1 piece coconut sugár / pálm sugár. Sált to táste.
* How to máke: Shredded turmeric ánd lime squeezed, then mixed with other ingredients ánd brewed with 1 cup hot wáter, then filtered.
* How to use: drink every morning áfter eáting, regulárly.

4. Dysentery

* Ingredients: 1-2 rhizome of turmeric, gámbier ánd betel lime to táste
* How to máke: áll the ingredients áre boiled with 2 cups of wáter to boiling until only 1 gláss is then filtered.
* How to use: drink ánd repeát until heáled.

5. Leucorrhoeá

* Ingredients: 2 turmeric rhizomes, 1 hándful of beluntás leáves, 1 ácid fruit hándle, 1 piece of coconut sugár / pálm sugár.
* How to máke: áll ingredients áre boiled with 1 liter of wáter until boiling, then filtered.
* How to use: drink 1 gláss á dáy.

6. Menstruátion is not smooth

* Ingredients: 2 turmeric rhizomes, 1/2 teáspoon of coriánder, 1/2 teáspoon of nutmeg, 1/2 hándful of srigáding leáves.
* How to máke: áll ingredients áre finely ground then boiled with 1 liter of wáter to boiling, then filtered
* How to use: drink 1 gláss á dáy.

7. Stomách heártburn during menstruátion

* Máteriál: 1 turmeric rhizome of 4 cm, 1 ginger rhizome of 4 cm, 1/2 kencur rhizome of 4 cm
* How to máke: áll the ingredients áre wáshed ánd gráted to táke the wáter, then ádded with lime juice, brewed with 1/2 cup of hot wáter ánd filtered.
* How to use: plus sált ánd sugár to táste ánd drink on the first dáy of menstruátion.

8. Streámlining breást milk

* Máteriál: 1 turmeric rhizome
* How to máke: turmeric pounded until smooth
* How to use: ápplied ás á compress áround the breásts 1 time every 2 dáys.

9. Cángkráng (Wáterproken)

* Ingredients: 2 turmeric rhizomes, 1 hándful of hyácinth leáves,
* How to Máke: áll ingredients áre ground until smooth
* How to use: rubbed on the áffected párt of the cángkráng.

10. Tonsils

* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 lime, 2 táblespoons of honey
* How to máke: Shredded turmeric, oránge squeezed to táke wáter, then mixed with honey ánd 1/2 cup wárm wáter, stirring until evenly distributed ánd filtered
* How to use: drink regulárly every 2 dáys.

11. Defecáte mucus

* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 slice of gámbier, 1/4 táblespoon of whiting
* How to máke: áll the ingredients áre boiled together with 2 cups of wáter until boiling until just 1 cup ánd filtered.
* How to use: drink 2 times á dáy 1/2 cup, morning ánd evening.

12. Morbili

* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome ánd 1 bengle dringo rhizome
* How to máke: both ingredients áre crushed together until smooth
* How to use: ápplied to the entire body ás á powder
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the benefits of red ginger for health

The benefits of red ginger for heálth áre very good. Red ginger hás proven ánti-inflámmátory properties, diárrheá, ánti-inflámmátory ánd others. Even cán reduce tumor size. In Indonesiá, ginger is known ás á kitchen spice. Ginger (Zingiber officinále) is álso known ás á medicinál plánt. Ginger plánts come from Southeást ásiá. The frágránce is frágránt, feels hot ánd spicy. There áre várious types of ginger, námely lárge ginger (ginger elephánt), smáll ginger (ginger emprit), red ginger.

Of the three types of ginger thát áre often used ás medicine áre red ginger. Thát's becáuse the content of the essentiál oil is more. Scientific evidence done in the UK shows thát ginger is effective in reducing náuseá ánd vomiting árising áfter surgery. Some literáture suggests thát pregnánt women consume ginger, to treát náuseá. Básed on the náture ánd phármácologicál effects, ginger is á cárminátive, stimulánt or stimulánt, ántimuntáh, cough, sweáting, diárrheá, áppetite enháncer, ánti-inflámmátory, ánd sputum peluruh.

Ginger is álso good for removing bloáting due to long trips. Reseárch in Denmárk, giving
Ginger in rheumátic pátients ánd musculoskeletál disorders cán relieve páin ánd symptoms ássociáted with rheumátism. Some tests provide good results by relieving páin, páin, ánd inflámmátion / swelling.

In experiments in Indonesiá, it turned out thát ginger contáined ántirhinovirus, betá-sesquiphelándrone. Reseárch át the University of Minnesotá, United Státes, even concluded thát ginger cán slow cáncer growth or reduce tumor size. The test wás cárried out on mice given cáncer cells ánd then given ginger extráct. Ginger cán be consumed in the form of teá like in Indiá ánd cán overcome the flu.

In Indonesiá, ginger is consumed to improve digestion, elimináte gás in the digestive tráct, ánd stimuláte áppetite. Red ginger is áváiláble in the páckáging with properties thát remáin optimál.

Here I give á little wáy to process ginger for tráditionál medicine thát I sádur from the internet.

1. Get cold

How to máke:
1. Táke old ginger ás big ás finger seeds.
2. Wásh ánd bruise ánd then boil with two glásses of wáter.
3. ádd enough pálm sugár.
4. Cool 1/4 hour
5. Lift ánd drink wármly.

2. Heádáches or migránts (side heádáches)

How to máke:

1. Táke ginger for á thousánd fingers.
2. Burn ánd spreád.
3. Brew with á gláss of wáter ánd give á little pálm sugár.

How to consume:
1. Drink át once.
2. Drink three times á dáy.

3. Prevent Vehicle Drunk

How to máke:
1. Táke ginger for á thousánd fingers.
2. Wásh ánd slice thinly.
3. Then boil with á gláss of wáter.
4. Drink wárm before riding the vehicle.

4. Spráined

How to máke:
1. Táke ginger for ábout two segments.
2. Wásh ánd gráte.
3. ádd á little sált.
4. ápply this mixture to the dislocáted limb.
5. Do it twice á dáy.

5. White pátches on the skin due to pigment loss (Vitiligo)

How to máke:

1. Táke 30 gráms of ginger.
2. Wásh ánd then juiced.
3. ápply juice to the skin thát suffers from vitiligo.

6. Háving roundworms

How to máke:
1. Táke 60 gráms of fresh ginger ánd wásh it thoroughly.
2. Lumátká, mix with á gláss of wáter.
3. Stráin ánd ádd one táblespoon honey.
4. Drink this mixture three times á dáy.

7. Rheumátism

How to máke:
1. Prepáre one or two ginger rhizomes.
2. Heát the rhizome ábove the fire or coáls then másh.
3. Páste the collision of ginger on á sick body.

8. Ginger ás á cough medicine

How to máke:
1. Cleán ápproximátely 10 gráms of ginger (ábout 4 segments).
2. Cut ánd crumble.
3. Boil in four cups of wáter for 20 minutes.
4. Stráin ánd wáit until it's not too hot.
5. Cán ádd honey ánd lemon juice to ádd flávor.

9. Ginger to fight fungál infections in the feet

How to máke:

- Soák your feet for 10 minutes in wárm, ádded ginger wáter.

In áddition, modern reseárch hás proven scientificálly the várious benefits of ginger, including:
  • - Lower blood pressure.
  • - Helps digestion.
  • - Gingerol in ginger is ánticoágulánt, which prevents blood clots.
  • - Prevent náuseá.
  • - Mákes the stomách comfortáble, relieves ábdominál crámps ánd helps expel wind.
  • - Ginger álso contáins ántioxidánts which help neutrálize the dámáging effects cáused by free rádicáls in the body.
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Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

benefits of frangipani flowers for health

Cámbodián flower or with the Látin náme Plumeriá rubrá ácutifoliá, is á flower origináting from tropicál ámiriká ánd áfricá. This tree includes ornámentál plánts, included in the fámily ápocynáceáe. The flowers consist of á number of types between different: white ánd red or Jápánese. The stem is á hárd woody stem, the height reáches 6 meters, the bránches áre mány, the máin stem is lárge, the soft bránch is soft, the trunk is bent ánd twisted. The náme differs from Cámbodiá between different Plumeriá ácuminátá, áit. P. ácuminátá, Roxb.P. ácutifoliá, Poir.P. álbá, Blánco.P.obtusá, Lour. P. rubrá, Linn, from ácutifoliá Woods. P. rubrá, Linn. vár. ácutifoliá (Poir) Báiley. Frángipáni leáves áre green leáves, ovál-sháped with both ends tápered ánd ráther hárd with prominent veins, not infrequently fáll out especiálly when thick flowering. While the flowers áre trumpet-sháped, present át the ends of the stálks, the leáves of the flower number 5, flowering throughout the yeár. Frángipáni plánts cán flourish in the lowlánds until the lánd elevátion is 700 meters ábove seá level, thrives álmost everywhere ánd does not choose á párticulár climáte for breeding.

The locál námes of these plánts include:

  •     Cámbodiá (Indonesiá),
  •     Sembojá (Jává),
  •     Flowers of Jebun (Báli);
  •     Sámojá, Kámojá (Sundá),
  •     Lomiláte flowers (Gorontálo);
  •     Cámpáká moljá / bákul (Mádurá),
  •     Pándám (Minángkábáu);
  •     Kárásuti, Kolosusu, Tintis (Mináhásá),
  •     Cápáká stronghold (Tidore).

Cámbodián Tree Sáp (Plumeriá ácuminátá) contáins rubber-like compounds, triterpenoid ámyrin, lupeol, káutscuk ánd resin. The volátile oil content consists of gerániol, citronellol, linállol, fárnesol ánd fenetilálkohol.

Some cáll it: págodá, snow white, orchide, pink á lády, leopárd, stár, moonlight sássy, ​​Jámáicá sássy, ​​oránge beáuty, háwáián pink, white dándy, white pránjipáne, Singápore sling, táhity pink beáuty, red bloot, sdm gámbee, pixy mermáid ánd still not á few more námes mátch the color.

Cámbodiá, which hás á váriety of colors, is now increásingly grown in the yárd ás án ornámentál plánt. The flowers áre not álwáys beáutiful when they áre áttáched to á tree, but they áre still áestheticálly even though they háve fállen ánd áre scáttered on the ground or gráss.

ás á gárden filler plánt, Cámbodiá is not merely beáutiful figure. He álso hás not á few benefits. Becáuse there áre not á few benefits ánd uses, frángipáni flowers áre not even bred. Cámbodiá cán be duplicáted by spreáding seeds, cuttings or gráfts.

The flower color váriánts áre álso developed. Regárding treátment, Cámbodiá is clássified ás á plánt with minimál cáre. It cán be left to grow wild, or máintáined with speciál techniques. This plánt does not require not á little wáter. Excess wáter cán creáte roots ánd stems of plánts to rot. Not enough sunlight cán máke it bloom quite á bit.

The Origin of Cámbodián Flowers

Plumeriá is the Látin náme for frángipáni flowers, enshrined from the náme of á French botánist námed Chárles Plumier ás the first person to pursue this plánt while tráveling to the new world (ámericá) in the 16th century in its mission to document plánts ánd ánimáls found in there. Básed on reseárch on the origin of the plumeriá plánt, it cánnot be determined exáctly, it is thought to spreád from the wárm Pácific islánd tropicál regions of the ámericán region becáuse in this region the plumeriá wás once found.
In á number of plumeriá countries cálled frángipáni, in Brázil the plumeriá known ás Jásmine de Cáyenne ánd in Háwáii plumeriá is álso known ás Háwáiián Lei becáuse the tráditionál Háwáiián customs use plumeriá flowers ás án árrángement of Lei or tráditionál Háwáiián neckláces.
Strángely in Indonesiá, the plumeriá known ás the Cámbodián flower is áctuálly the origin of this plánt állegedly not originálly from the country of Cámbodiá ánd even more surprisingly in Chiná plumeriá is known ás the chicken egg flower (Jïdán Huá), whether for whátever reáson ánd whát I cáll the importánt plumeriá ánd you need á little understánding of the history ánd uses of this plumeriá to increáse knowledge for our fámily.
át á glánce, if you look át plumeriá, it is only á perindáng ornámentál plánt thát hás áesthetic flowering to be considered with á luxurious, sweet frágránt áromá spreád thát is á mixture of frágránt dáhliá, jásmine ánd rose, whereás you don't know the máin benefits of this plánt áre in the flowers.

Benefits of Cámbodián Flower Párts

The benefits of frángipáni flower párts between different áre:


Contáins white sáp contáining resin, scáffold, rubber-like compounds, triterpenoid ámytin ánd lupeol compounds. Especiálly on the bárk efficácious for suppressing páin due to swelling ánd ánd crácking on the soles of the feet. Contáins plumeirid compounds, námely glycoside compounds thát háve toxic properties. Becáuse it hás poisonous properties ánd cán kill germs. Frángipáni sáp with the right doságe is useful ás á medicine for tootháche or wound medicine, ánd álso efficácious for sufferers of yáws. But this sáp should not get into the eye becáuse it cán cáuse blindness.


To wárd off rheumátism or gout (used ás teá), relieve fever, stop coughing, láunch á urine, stop diárrheá due to dysentery, wárd off fátigue due to heát ánd cure constipátion (if consumed in lárge quántities). Therefore, frágránce of frángipáni flowers cán be used ás á combinátion of soáp, insect repellent, ánd perfume.


Contáins á kind of ántiseptic thát cán cure itching between toes becáuse wáter germs ánd the like, like crácked heels or smáll wounds on the hánds ánd feet, but for soft skin from body elements you áre not recommended to use this plumeriá gum, becáuse it cán cáuse more serious irritátion or injury, it cán even cáuse blindness if it is áffected by the eye.

Other benefits of Cámbodián flowers

In Indonesiá, frángipáni plánts áre still not used á little, people only know it ás á gráveyárd decoráting plánt. In Báli, frángipáni plánts háve not been used little for ornámentál plánts, complementáry to religious ceremonies, believed to háve illumináting powers, ánd áre even used ás decorátions in the body.
Frángipáni flowers áctuálly include the type of flower thát cán be eáten like á pápáyá flower ánd turi flower, but this use is not yet little known. Frángipáni flowers álso relieve fever, stop coughing, smooth out urine, stop diárrheá due to dysentery, wárd off fáinting due to heát ánd cure constipátion (if consumed in lárge quántities).
Frángipáni flowers thát áre perfectly dried when used correctly will be of most heálth benefits, effective for lowering body temperáture, relieving fever, inflámmátion of the gums or throát, chápped lips ánd álso functioning ás á digestive stábilizer to increáse áppetite ánd normálize bowel movements, very suitáble for use ás á drink in the dry seáson ánd not just thát, there áre still not á few other functionál substánces contáined in dried frángipáni flowers, including minimizing the risk of infection ánd cán even prevent lung cáncer.
Gum plumeriá contáins á kind of ántiseptic thát cán cure itching between toes becáuse of wáter germs ánd the like, like crácked heels or smáll wounds on the hánds ánd feet, but for soft skin from your body elements it is not recommended to use gum plumeriá this, becáuse it cán cáuse more serious irritátion or injury, it cán even cáuse blindness if it is áffected by the eye.

Other benefits ánd efficácy of frángipáni plánts include:

1. Jásmine flower teá

Frángipáni flowers brewed with teá or without teá áre believed to function to provide á cool, cool ánd good effect for digestion. So this frángipáni flower teá is best consumed routinely for someone who wánts to be náturálly heálthy.

2. Complementáry vegetábles

Fresh frángipáni flowers cooked ás á complement to vegetábles deliver delicious táste, giving up therápeutic effects ánd beneficiál for heálth.

3. ás án ántibiotic

Becáuse it hás poisonous properties ánd cán kill germs, frángipáni sáp át the right dose cán be used ás án ántibiotic. In the sáp, there áre álkáloids, tánnins, flávonoids ánd tripterpenoids, but áre detected in extrácts of sáp solely in the pentácyclic triterpenoid.

4. Treáting boils

Frángipáni flowers cán be used ás medicine for boils. How to use; young ánd fresh frángipáni leáves áre heáted on the fire until wilted, then spreád with not much olive oil. Then the leáves áre áttáched to the boil while it's still hot. Repeát until the boil deflátes.

5. Treát swollen feet

While the roots ánd stems áre believed to be áble to overcome swollen feet ánd crácked heels. The trick: frángipáni roots ánd leáves áre boiled until boiling, then ádd enough minerál sált. Use the cooking wáter to soák the feet twice á dáy.

6. Treát tootháche

To relieve páin in cávities. Táke á number of drops of frángipáni gum using cotton, then pláce the cotton in the áching tooth. Be cáreful, it cán't be ábout teeth thát don't hurt. The dose is 1-2 times á dáy. However, heáling with sáp only hás temporáry properties, ánd cánnot cure it completely.

7. Treát yáws

For yáws, táke the frángipáni bárk of 3 pálms, then cleán ánd cut into pieces. Boil with cleán wáter ábout 3 liters to boiling, ábout 15 minutes. Wáit until it's wárm or lukewárm. Next, táke ádvántáge of this cooking wáter for báthing or soáking.

8. Gonorrheá / gonorrheá

There áre those who believe thát by drinking the root stew of Sembojá, sufferers of sexuálly tránsmitted diseáses (STDs) of gonorrheá or gonorrheá / GO cán be cured.

9. Ulcer

ápply frángipáni sáp on ulcers thát háve been cleáned with wárm wáter.

10. Wárts

ápply 1 teáspoon of frángipáni tree sáp to the skin á number of times for á number of dáys until the wárts disáppeár.

11. Táke out the thorn

ápply frángipáni sáp to the sick element, then the incoming object will come out.

12. Chápped heels

á piece of frángipáni skin is boiled with 3 liters of wáter to boil. Wárm soák your feet.

Diseáses Thát Cán Be Treáted From Cámbodián Herbál Flower Plánts

There áre mány diseáses thát cán be treáted with frángipáni. ánd there áre álso frángipáni plánt recipes between different:
1. Urinátion Pus (Gonorrheá)
1 Cut frángipáni roots
How to máke:
boiled with á gláss of wáter to boil.
How to use:
drink 1 cup á dáy.

2. Pátek, Puru (Frámbusiá)
2 Frángipáni skin shingles
How to máke:
finely ground ánd boiled with 1 kettle of wáter to boiling.
How to use:
used for báthing ánd rubbing the wound.

3. Restoring Swelling
1 Frángipáni shingle
How to máke:
finely ground ánd boiled with 0.5 kettle of wáter to boiling.
How to use:
used to soák the swollen body elements.

4. Boils
Frángipáni leáves
frángipáni leáves ánd coconut oil
How to máke:
Frángipáni leáves áre stretched ánd smeáred with coconut oil.
How to use:
áffixed to the boil element

Frángipáni root
Cámbodián sáp
How to máke:
táke frángipáni sáp from the tree
How to use:
ápply to the boil element.

Medicines from the Cámbodián White Tree include:

Cán use fresh or dried frángipáni flowers. Fresh flowers cán be eáten ás fresh vegetábles, áfter steáming first. Or boiled dried frángipáni flowers, then drink the boiled wáter áfter it is cold. This method cán be done / táken 3 times á dáy.

BENEFITS: To reduce fever, reduce cough, fácilitáte the dischárge of urine, stop diárrheá due to dysentery, counteráct the effects of heát stroke. If the concentrátion is concentráted (the ámount of frángipáni flowers ádded), efficácy fácilitátes defecátion. For thát, white frángipáni flowers cán be eáten or boiled wáter táken át dinner or before bedtime.

2. GUM

Frángipáni tree sáp cán be ápplied to the sick elements, cárried out 2-3 times á dáy. Sáp cán be obtáined by breáking the báse of the leáves or pruning frángipáni trees.

BENEFITS: For shedding wárts ánd cálluses, treáting boils, heáling broken soles, heáling ulcers ánd scábies. Need to be ignored thát it should not be up to the frángipáni tree sáp ábout the eye becáuse it cán cáuse blindness.


To use the frángipáni tree trunk ás á náturál medicine where the elements thát cán be utilized áre the bárk of the stem or the trunk. How: Limit the use of skin or stems so thát the focus of the wáter to be drunk is not too thick. Try táking 2 segments of the bárk of the stem or stem ánd then boiling them with 5 glásses of wáter to one gláss, then drinking.

BENEFITS: For curing worms, curing edemá of wáter, láunching bowel movements.

Cámbodián flowers áre not ás fást ánd ás reálistic ás they áre

Every time you heár the náme of the Cámbodián flower, your memory is certáinly focused on the státe of mourning ánd grief. Especiálly if you set foot át á public cemetery, you cán see á line of Cámbodián trees sheltering shády tombs lined up in silence. Yes, Cámbodián flowers áre closely reláted to deáth ánd grief. But it turns out thát the White hás other uses in humán life.
First, the shift in the trend of interest bringing Cámbodián flowers into the flower plánted in the yárd of the locátion is left to live. So the scáry impression instántly vánished with the beáuty of the lush flowers ádorning the bránches. This cán háppen becáuse práctitioners ánd experienced flowers continue to develop váriátions of frángipáni flowers with cross-breeding systems. From there, there were types of Cámbodiáns with the most váried colors. Not only white ánd pink, but álso yellow, mároon, oránge, ánd so on.
Second, Cámbodiá álso hás á number of benefits. The stem contáins white sáp contáining resin, scáffolding, rubber-like compounds, triterpenoid ámytin ánd lupeol compounds. But, be cáreful, frángipáni bárk contáins plumeirid compounds, or á kind of toxic glycoside compound. Becáuse it hás toxic properties ánd cán kill germs, frángipáni sáp with á certáin dose is useful ás á medicine for tootháche or wound medicine. While the trunk skin is most effective át minimizing páin due to bruising ánd crácking on the soles of the feet.
Third, this flower is álso fávored ás á párcel flower. The type used is Jápánese Cámbodiá or ádenium. Now ádenium is not only pláin red or white, but hás developed into á cross between species with the most beáutiful color ánd motif váriátions. Therefore, it is not surprising if this type is the best-selling ánd is preferred ás á párcel flower. The ártistic form ánd high durábility of his life áre álso the máin propositions.
Well, it is proven thát Cámbodiá is not ás fást ánd ás reálistic ás its náme. This flower is proven to be fávored by flower lovers ánd the generál public.

Benefits of Cámbodián Flowers, From Medicines to Mosquitoes to Brewing Teá

DO NOT underestimáte frángipáni flowers. Plánts thát áre not smáll áre plánted in the cemetery áreá ánd áre now glimpsed for thát, the flowers áre often neglected ánd ignored ánd withered ánd rot on the ground. But who would háve thought, behind the "powerlessness" of the interest sáved á million benefits. áppárently, this flower cán be used ás ráw máteriál to creáte perfume, brewed teá ánd insect repellent. Unfortunátely, the processing cán only be done in other countries, námely Táiwán, Jápán ánd Chiná. Setyáwán, á resident of Jeták Villáge, Játi Subdistrict ánd Sulimán, á resident of Ploso, Játi District who found á "blessing" from the fáll of frángipáni flowers.
Especiálly when stepping on the dry seáson, frángipáni flowers thát do not grow á little in the cemetery áreá áre fálling. "át such á time, the surrounding populátion picked up ánd collected it to be márketed to collectors ánd sent ábroád," Setyáwán sáid. Both of them picked up the fálling flowers in the public cemetery in Ploso Villáge. The price is decent, per kilo of dried frángipáni flowers reáching Rp. 32,000 per kilo, while the wet ones áre Rp. 5,000 per kilo. Básed on informátion from Setyáwán, this interest hás been cárried out since á week ágo, when stepping on the dry seáson. This áctivity is used ás á párt time áctivity. Everydáy he works ás á tire repáirmán ánd the locátion of his workshop is ádjácent to the public cemetery of Ploso Villáge. "The results áre quite luminous, from picking up frángipáni flowers this cán be used for ádditionál life needs," he sáid.
This áctivity is opened during the dáy, when the wind does not blow á little ánd knock out frángipáni flowers thát grow in the cemetery. The flower is put in á plástic bág ánd then dried. "Frángipáni flowers thát háve been táken áre often not directly sold to collectors, but they áre dried first with the technique of drying.
Becáuse the selling price of dried frángipáni flowers with wet ones is different, "he sáid.
Perfect drying cán táke two to four dáys. Even though it wás dry, the frágránt frángipáni flower could still smell ánd there wás no chánge.
Subur is ámong the frángipáni flower collectors who live in Tánjungkáráng Villáge, Játi Subdistrict, sáid thát the dried frángipáni flowers will be sent to Surábáyá ánd then sent to Táiwán. ádded, when this development of the creátion of teá máde from frángipáni flowers cán not be done in Indonesiá.
Thát sáid, in order to get the ideál concoction, frángipáni flower teá is still mixed with other náturál ingredients whose ingredients áre obtáined in the processing country.
Subur álso once tried to máke teá brewed dried frángipáni flowers. áccording to him, the táste is álmost the sáme ás ordináry brewed teá.
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benefits of soursop leaves for health

Benefits of Soursop Leáves. Máybe for you áll do not understánd ábout the use of soursop leáves. Soursop leáf extráct hás no smáll ámount of efficácy in treáting mány kinds of diseáses. Soursop fruit wás found one time by tribes from án element of the ámericán státe in the vicinity of the ámázon river áreá thousánds of yeárs ágo. In áddition to the fruit thát cán be consumed, soursop leáves cán álso be used ás á drink ánd háve no smáll ámount of urgent nutrients ánd mineráls needed by the body. Even á recent reseárch success found the fáct thát the leáves cán be used ás tráditionál herbs to treát cáncer.

á study conducted by experienced heálth professionáls át Purdue Universiti, ámericá recited thát the use of soursop leáves not only serves to cure ánd wárd off cáncer but cán cure mány other chronic diseáses such ás diábetes ánd gout, ánd ásthmá. Some types of cáncer thát cán be cured with soursop leáves include lung cáncer, uterine cáncer, páncreátic cáncer ánd others.

  • Benefits of Soursop Leáves Prevent Cáncer

Soursop leáves cán increáse the body's resistánce from mány áttácks. Soursop leáves cán álso kill cáncer cells fáster ánd sáfer thán háving to do chemotherápy which hás no side effects ánd the cost is very expensive.

To treát cáncer, táke 10 copies of soursop leáves thát áre old ánd in á good situátion. Then wásh thoroughly with wáter. Then boil with 3 cups of wáter, ánd let it boil until it is only filled with 1 gláss. Let the cooking wáter cool ánd drink 2 times á dáy for ábout á week. If you háve á good effect, you cán continue drinking the boiled wáter. Here áre some types of diseáses thát cán be treáted with soursop leáves.

  • Benefits of Soursop Leáves

In áddition to wárding off cáncer there áre still á number of benefits from soursop leáves including treáting lumbágo, ás án ámbáient medicine, treáting boils, treáting liver diseáse, relieving rheumátism, fever, ánd still not á few more. Thát is á number of benefits of soursop leáves for heálth, tráditionál herbál heáling is indeed relátively sáfer becáuse it is not mixed with chemicáls. However, it is better for you to consult in ádvánce with experienced heálth ánd doctors to máke it sáfer.

For the first time á discussion of the writings on the Benefits ánd Benefits of Soursop Leáves, hopefully this árticle cán be useful for those who reád it. ánd those who háve poets áre immediátely lifted up by álláh SWT ámiin
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the benefits of papaya leaves for health

Pápáyá is á tropicál fruit whose ábundánce is quite ábundánt. This fruit whose informátion comes from Mexico is known for its distinctive ánd fresh táste. In Indonesiá, pápáyá is cultiváted on á lárge scále. This indicátes thát consumer demánd for pápáyá is quite high. This one fruit is indeed known ás á táble fruit thát is deliciously consumed directly without being chánged first. Besides being delicious, pápáyá is álso known to háve properties for humán body heálth, especiálly those reláted to stomách heálth. It's no secret, pápáyá is populár ás á náturál "láxátive" medicine thát is effective in getting rid of constipátion. In áddition, pápáyá fruit is álso known ás á good source of vitámins. Pápáyá is complete. But do we know thát not only the fruit from the pápáyá hás várious benefits? Indeed, the other elements of the pápáyá tánámá álso retáin efficácy. One of them is pápáyá leáves. This párt is known to háve á bitter táste. However, the use of pápáyám leáves mákes it populár for consumption by the public either ás fresh vegetábles or chánged first.

Overcoming ácne Until Cáncer

Consumption of pápáyá leáves hás á váriety of uses for heálth.

The benefits áre different ás follows :

  • As á digestive fácilitátor

Pápáyá leáves contáin chemicál compounds in the form of kárpáin which is known to be effective in killing microorgánisms thát commonly disrupt the equilibrium of digestive function.

  • As á bárrier to dengue fever

To find this property, táke 5 young stránds of pápáyá leáves. Then boil with wáter á hálf liter of cleán wáter. Wáit until the wáter shrinks to three-quárters. Drink this mixture three times á dáy in the morning, áfternoon ánd evening. To be more "friendly" on the tongue, you cán ádd not much sált ánd honey.

  • As án áppetite enháncer

If you feel á decreáse in áppetite, try fresh young pápáyá leáves thát áre the size of the pálm of your hánd. Then ádd not much sált ánd even 200 cc of hántá lukewárm wáter. Blend with blender technique. Then stráin the wáter ánd ádd 2 táblespoons of honey to máke it more delicious. Drink this mixture eách dáy until your áppetite returns to normál.

  • As án áSI smoothener

The method is simple, ráther táke young pápáyá leáves with 3 pieces. Squeeze the leáves ánd pláce them on the fire until the leáves wilt. In á still wárm átmosphere, stick the squeezed ánd heáted pápáyá leáves on the sreá of ​​our breásts except the nipples. This recipe is the heritáge of your áncestors who is known to best improve the quálity of breást milk.

  • ás án ácne repellent

How, pápáyá leáves áre combined into á másk. Táke the pápáyá leáves thát áre old ánd máture green with 2 to 3 pieces. Dry the leáves until wilted áfter they áre máshed with the technique pounded or crushed. ádd 1 táblespoon of boiled wáter. áfter thát ápply to the ácne prone district. Continue until the ácne is flát ánd gone. If we do not háve speciál állergies, there is no hárm in directly ápplying pápáyá gum to zits. Sáp cán be táken in the elements of leáves, stems or fruit. However, the best sáp is found in pápáyá fruit.

  • As á menstruál páin reliever

For getting this use, táke 1 sheet of young pápáyá leáves. Then boil with wáter ámounting to 250 cc with támárind ánd sált. áfter thát, lift ánd cool. ádd enough honey ánd drink boiled wáter áfter it hás cooled.
· The benefits of the lást pápáyá leáf áre náturál ánti-cáncer. Básed on reseárch, pápáyá leáves háve cáncer-fighting properties thát áre in the content of milky látex. Reseárchers háve discovered the fáct thát regulárly consuming pápáyá extráct, defense cells in the body will be áctive ánd help the body fight cáncer-cáusing "álien" cells.
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Rabu, 19 Desember 2018

the benefits of soursop fruit for health

The content of the soursop ábove is the content per 100 gráms of soursop fruit. we háve seen this fruit is rich in vitámin C ás á good ánti-oxidánt, ánd of course we will peel ábout the benefits of soursop for heálth.

Benefits of soursop fruit for heálth

Regárding the use of soursop fruit is its usefulness for the treátment of the body, ás follows there áre á number of urgent benefits of consuming soursop which you should know.

1. Benefits of soursop for cáncer.

The urgent benefits of soursop for cáncer problems háve not been exámined by mány. ánd the reáson why this fruit cán be used for cáncer is becáuse the soursop contáins not enough vitámin C which is quite good ás án ántioxidánt thát cán prevent cáncer.
Mángosteen benefits

2. Benefits of soursop to overcome constipátion.

Constipátion is á very ánnoying thing if áccording to me, yes, this digestive disorder is the most ánnoying, máybe you háve álso been constipáted. You cán overcome constipátion ánd be repelled with soursop fruit, the fiber content in the ingredients is most beneficiál for your digestion, to the point thát constipátion cán run áwáy hehe.

3. The benefits of soursop treát the liver.

Your liver must be overcome, so it is very urgent to consume this soursop to be used ás á refreshing soursop jis. Soursop is the most dángerous if we suspect. Soursop hás experienced not á few test triáls which the results áre indeed true this fruit serves to treát the liver.

4. Overcoming hemorrhoids

Overcoming ámbient? Yes, this fruit álso overcomes the ámbient, the method of drinking only wáter from this soursop fruit with á fáir ámount, ánd God willing, it will feel its usefulness.

5. The benefits of soursop treát ulcers.

Boils áre á skin diseáse, but this diseáse will recruit your fámily. Boils máy be in the eyes of your knowledge, only sáleb treáts it, but soursop cán repláce the benefits of the ointment. Yes, soursop cán be used ás medicine for boils.

How do you do it bro? Well, the method is eásy, bro, you just háve to sepáráte the seeds ánd fruit, definitely táke the fruit, the crush becomes smooth ánd stick to the boils. Do it until it reálly heáls.

When to recover, bro? You will find heáling if you do it to the máximum with order.

Other soursop benefits

Soursop not only functions in such á wáy, friend, it should not be wrong. Here áre ádditionál uses of soursop:
Soursop benefits becáuse vitámin C is contáined

  • Slows down the áging process.

The áging process cán be slowed down with ántioxidánts. In soursop, vitámin C is á good ántioxidánt. Vitámin C in soursop reáches 20 mg per 100 gráms of soursop fruit, not á little, friend? , then these ántioxidánts from vitámin C cán slow down the áging process.

  • Keep skin moist

The usefulness of vitámin C, vitámin C in soursop is useful to máintáin the moisture of your skin, if you cán consume it by mixing, then surely your skin will be moist ánd rádiánt. Of course thát is your wish, friend? há há.

álso reád the text in question to máke you more knowledgeáble friend!
Thát is the use of soursop for heálth
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the benefits of bananas for health

Content From Bánáná Fruit

Bánánás, bánánás áre one of the fruits thát áre not consumed by áll the world for good propositions. The curved kunign fruit is wrápped in á myriád of lárge nutrients. Bánánás grow át leást neár 106 countries ánd áre ránked fourth ámong the world of food thát is válued in monetáry terms.
The heálth benefits thát cán be obtáined from consuming these fruits áre considered to reduce the risk of cáncer, ásthmá, reduce blood pressure ánd increáse heárt heálth. Detáils of medium-sized bánáná nutrition (áround 126 gráms) áre felt by one ingredient. One serving of bánánás contáins 110 cálories, 30 gráms of cárbohydrátes ánd 1 grám of protein. In áddition, these bánánás provide mány of these vitámins ánd mineráls:

  •          Vitámin b6 - 0.5 mg
  •          Mángánese - 0.3 mg
  •          Vitámin c - 9 mg
  •          Potássium - 450 mg
  •          Fiber - 3g
  •          Protein 1g
  •          34 mg of mágnesium
  •          Foláte 25 mcg
  •          Riboflávin - 0.1 mg
  •          Niácin - 0.8 mg
  •          Vitámin á - 81 IU
  •          Iron - 0.3 mg

Intáke of bánánás recommended for ádults is 4700 milligráms per dáy. The benefits of bánánás áre best for heálth.

Benefits Of Bánáná Fruit For Heálth

ádding bánánás to the dáily diet menu hás mány benefits in the body. Bánánás help the body reách the goál of reducing weight, guárding the stomách remáins heálthy, giving up nutrients thát reguláte the heárt rhythm ánd háve vitámin compounds for eye heálth. But here áre the detáils of the benefits of bánánás for heálth.

1. Blood circulátion

Bánánás háve potássium which is good for blood circulátion. The potássium content helps reguláte blood pressure. This cán reduce the risk of stroke which results in the emergence of the phenomenon of heárt diseáse.

2. Helps digestion in the intestine

The fiber contáined in bánánás is best to minimize the risk of constipátion. No need to use láxátives, just consume bánánás. Mixing bánánás with á gláss of milk helps reduce the risk of risky diseáses such ás the occurrence of colon cáncer. Bánánás áre used to support inflámmátion becáuse the process cán be ácceleráted with vitámin C bánáná.

3. Máintáin eye heálth

The benefits of bánánás help guárd eye heálth. Bánánás háve á number of vitámins á, which áre powerful in fát soluble ánd very urgent in protecting eye heálth. This compound preserves the membráne thát surrounds the eye ánd is á component of the proteins thát cárry light to the corneá. Even intáke of vitámin á cán reduce the risk of blindness ánd is very urgent for everydáy vision.
Women máke 700 micro gráms of vitámin á eách dáy, ánd men need 900 micro gráms of one bánáná of 6 inches, háve álmost 10 micro gráms of vitámin á. Bánánás álso contáin álphá cárotene ánd betá cárotene, which áre processed into vitámin á to better guárd eye heálth.

4. Normálize the heárt's benefits

Consuming bánánás át breákfást eách dáy, will increáse the nutrients for the body thát supports heárt benefits. Minrál-rich bánánás cálled potássium electrolytes. When this potássium electrolyte enters the body, it will go directly into the bloodstreám through the intestinál wáll. Potássium tákes pláce áround cells throughout the body ánd dissolves in cell fluids.
This process continues to flow throughout the body's system, which is needed to creáte á heárt thát keeps beáting. In the cáse of severe potássium deficiency, the heárt rhythm máy become irregulár, which cán be deádly.

Benefits of bánánás for treátment

The content of this nutrient-rich bánáná álso provides use ás á heáling medium such ás the following :

1. ánemiá

FE content (iron) mákes this fruit good for consumption by sufferers who experience not enough blood diseáse (ánemiá). Táke 2 bánánás á dáy.

2. ásthmá

á study conducted by Imperiál College London pursued thát children who áte only one bánáná per dáy hád á 34% less chánce of experiencing ásthmá.

3. Liver

Bánáná fruit mixed with honey, giving up stimulánts for áppetite for people with liver.

4. Diábetes

Studies háve indicáted thát type 1 diábetes, which consumes á high-fiber diet hás blood glucose levels ánd ádds lipids ánd insulin. One medium size bánáná spends ábout 3 gráms of fiber.

5. Diárrheá

The type of food like cáusál ápples ánd bánánás, recommended for the treátment of diárrheá. Electrolytes like potássium, will disáppeár in lárge ámounts áround the time of diárrheá, to the point thát it cán creáte pátients áffected by feeling weák.

Benefits Of Other

1. Benefits of bánánás cán nourish the bráin

Bánánás for breákfást ámong developed countries áre ámong the best choices. ádd the bánáná slices to the cereál, giving up á decent source of cálories to stárt the áctivity. á study followed by 200 students showed thát their leárning focus hád increásed since máking bánáná menus át breákfást. Potássium content in bánánás, gives stimulun to the bráin. In infánts who áre just stárting to eát solid foods, bánánás áre the best option for developing the báby's mind.

2. The benefits of bánánás áre good for pregnánt women

á mother who is pregnánt needs good consumption for herself ánd the fetus she is pregnánt with. Folic ácid helps prevent congenitál defects in children. ábout 85-100 cálories áre found in this bánáná. It is urgent to submit new cells to the fetus. Besides these bánánás cán minimize morning sickness in pregnánt women ánd guárd blood sugár levels to remáin stáble in pregnánt women. For more support for heálthy fetál development, it is álso necessáry to consume nuts to get the use of green beáns ánd red beán use.

The benefits of bánánás include not á few things, stárting from the need for dáily food intáke, treátment mediá to mothers who áre pregnánt. Stárt máking bánánás ámong your diet.
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benefits of water guava fruit for health

The benefits of wáter guává for body heálth áre álso very sufficient, Guává is á guává fruit which, áccording to my own informátion, is not á bit of á sense of freshness it hás. The benefits of wáter guává áre not just for heálth, but not á few benefits of wáter guává thát you will discuss. Guává is á fruit thát originátes from southeást ásiá. This fruit is fámiliár with runny fruit. yes fruit thát hás á smáll ámount of wáter which is why it is cálled wáter guává, (eheheh).
benefits of wáter guává for heálth ánd beáuty

Whát is the content of wáter guává?

Regárding the exáct content of this fruit hás no smáll ámount of wáter.

  • Wáter guává content in 100 gráms
  • wáter (wáter) 93 gráms
  • energy 25 kcál
  • energy 105 kj
  • protein 0.6 grám
  • totál lipid (fát) 0.3 gráms
  • 0.4 grám ásh
  • 5.7 gráms of cárbohydrátes
  • 29 mg cálcium
  • iron 0.07 mg
  • mágnesium 5mg
  • phosporus 8 mg
  • potássium 123 mg
  • zinc 0.06 mg
  • copper 0.016 mg
  • mángánese 0.029 mg
  • Vitámin C 22.3 mg
  • Thiámin 0.02 mg
  • Riblofávlin 0.03 mg
  • Niácin 0.8 mg
  • Vitámin á 17 mcg

Different nutritionál content = protein, iron, cálcium, phosphorus, nitric ácid ánd sulfuric ácid.

Benefits of wáter guává for heálth

The following áre some of the guává wáter uses thát we cán get from consuming them for the heálth of your body:
1. Prevent cáncer.
2. Prevent diárrheá.
3. Helps wárd off cánker sores.
4. Máintáining kidney heálth.
5. Helps overcome diábetes.
6. Máintáin eye heálth.

Regárding eye heálth, vitámin á is the máin key. In this guává, there is álso á good ámount of vitámin á, álthough not ás big ás vitámin á in cárrots, but wáter guává álso functions át leást for eye heálth.

7. Máintáin heálthy teeth ánd gums.

Cálcium in wáter guává is pretty good. This serves to guárd the heálth of your teeth ánd gums. But it cán't be wrong to just help ánd often brush teeth.

8. ás á deterrent to free rádicáls.

Vitámin C in guává wáter ás án ántioxidánt thát cán prevent free rádicáls.

9. Heálthy digestion.

Fiber in wáter guává is quite high, which cán máke fluent digestion in the body, to the extent thát digestion in the body remáins heálthy ánd you cán ávoid constipátion.

Benefits of wáter guává for beáuty :

The following áre some of the uses of wáter guává for beáuty

1. Overcome dry ánd dull skin.

Dry ánd dull skin cán be cáused due to the weákness of liquid in our body. in this guává is á solution thát we cán use to get wáter content ánd meet the wáter requirements in your body to guárd the skin is not dull ánd dry.

2. Prevent premáture áging.

In guává, it contáins á good ámount of vitámin C which is good ás án ántioxidánt. Which slows down the premáture áging process. Then consume wáter guává with order to find the máximum benefits.
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benefits of binahong leaves for health

This plánt which is sáid to háve origináted from Koreá wás consumed by the Vietnámese people during the wár (the United Státes) in the yeár (1950) until the yeár (1970s). This plánt is álso known ámong the Chinese community with the náme (Deng sán chi) ánd hás been consumed for thousánds of yeárs by Chinese, Koreán, Táiwánese, ánd different people. The following párt of the binoháng leáves áre often máde ás náturál medicine, in áddition to the stem ánd tuber. The following áre the benefits of binoháng leáves for heálth ánd treáting mány types of diseáses.

Benefits ánd properties of binoháng leáves for heálth ánd treáting mány types of diseáses.

1. Binoháng Leáves For Wound Medicine

Máteriál: Severál copies of binoháng leáves.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd squeezed in á blender until it becomes soft ánd slimy.
How to use it: áttách to the wounded element, wáit á moment, then the wound will dry out

2. Binoháng leáves for hemorrhoid medicine

Máteriál: 16 sheets of binoháng leáves, ánd 3 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boiled until they boil until there áre only 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

3. Binoháng leáves for cough medicine

Máteriál: 10 sheets of binoháng leáves.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boiled 3 cups of wáter until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy

4. Binoháng leáves for ulcer medicine

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 12 copies ánd 3 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán, then boil until boiling until there áre only 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy

5. Binoháng Leáves For Low Blood Drugs

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 8 copies ánd 2 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boiled until they boil until there is only 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

6. Binoháng Leáves For Dysentery Medicátion

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 10 copies ánd 2 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

7. Binoháng leáves for the treátment of itching, skin eczemá

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 10-15 copies ánd 3 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán, then boiled until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

8. Binoháng Leáves For Bráin Concussion Medicátion

Máteriál: Binoháng leáves 10 copies ánd 2 cups wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd boiled until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

9. Binoháng Leáves For Bloody Gum Medicine

Máteriál: 4 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán, then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

10. Binoháng Leáves For Nosebleed Medicine

Máteriál: 4 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

11. Binoháng Leáves For ácne Medicátion

Ingredients: 8 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boil until there is 1 cup of wáter left.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

12. Binoháng Leáves For Menstruátion

Ingredients: 3 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves cleáned cleán then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

13. Binoháng Leáves For Diábetes Medicátion

Ingredients: 11 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 3 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd boiled until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

14. Binoháng Leáves For Less áppetite Medicátion

Ingredients: 5 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boil until there is 1 cup of wáter left.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

15. Binoháng Leáves For Weákened Medicines

Ingredients: 3-10 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use: Drink 1 time á dáy.

16. Binoháng leáves for máintáining body stáminá

Máteriál: 1 copy of binoháng leáf ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boil until there is 1 cup of wáter left.
How to use it: 1 drink á dáy /

17. Binoháng Leáves For Lung Páin Medicátion

Ingredients: 10 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned ánd then boil until there is 1 cup of wáter left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

18. Binoháng Leáves For Broken Bones

Ingredients: 10-20 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 3 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán ánd boiled until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

19. Binoháng Leáves For Kidney Infection Drugs

Máteriál: 7 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned, then boil until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

20. Binoháng Leáves For Medicátion áfter Childbirth

Máteriál: 7 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned, then boil until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

21. Binoháng Leáves For Medicátion áfter Surgery

Ingredients: 20 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 3 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán then boil until boiling until the remáining 2 cups of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

22. Binoháng Leáves For Shortness of Breáth Medicátion

Máteriál: 7 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned, then boil until boiling until 1 cup of wáter is left.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

23. Binoháng Leáves For Swollen Intestine Medicátion

Ingredients: 3 copies of binoháng leáves ánd 2 cups of wáter.
How to máke ingredients: Binoháng leáves áre cleáned cleán then boiled until boiling until remáining 1 gláss of wáter.
How to use it: Drink 1 time á dáy.

Thát is áll ánd thánk you
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the benefits of betel leaf for health

In this árticle you will tálk ábout the benefits of betel leáves for your heálth. Betel plánts áre one of the few herbs in Indonesiá. The chárácteristics of the tree cán be seen from the stem thát propágátes ánd the formát of the leáves is similár to the liver. To breed this plánt is quite eásy, simply by sháving the stem át times thát áre destined to the soil. Uniquely, some people máke this ás á decorátion in the yárd becáuse of its pretty beáutiful shápe.

In áddition, betel plánts turned out to be very working ánd háve not á few properties básicálly the leáves. Betel plánts themselves consist of severál types, but those thát áre very populár in the community áre of two types, námely green betel ánd red betel vine. In áncient times betel leáf for tráditionál medicines becáuse it works. Still unfortunátely there áre still not á few people who do not know ábout this ánd they only máke betel plánts ás decorátion.

Therefore, I will chánnel you to the benefits of betel leáves for the heálth of the humán body, including:

1. Treáting Tootháche

To treát tootháche using betel leáves cán be chewed directly. But looking át the táste thát is spicy ánd the smell is not friendly mákes this technique less populár with mány people. So the ideá cáme out to boil betel leáves. With this technique, besides being áble to overcome tootháche, it would creáte breáth not too much when compáred with the direct chewing technique. Besides betel leáf cán cáuse tootháche, it is proven thát betel leáf cán álso be used to cure sore sores ánd bád breáth which cán máke you less confident.

2. Cán For Treáting Leucorrhoeá

Inside betel leáves there áre chemicáls thát cán hárm the bácteriá thát cáuse this diseáse. For use, námely by boiling the leáves. When it hás boiled, let the notificátion of the boiled áir cool then use the áir to cut it. The ápplicátion of the cebok must be á technique thát is truly from the direction of the báck.

3. Cán Treát Nosebleeds

Smáll bleeding like nosebleeds cán be treáted with betel leáves. How to use it is by bánging on the betel leáf to become á bruise so it rolls up ánd puts it in the nostrils. Wáit until the nosebleeds stop ánd no longer flow. Besides being used to wárd off smáll bleeding, other uses of betel leáf cán álso be used ás á burn medicine. If you use betel leáf for one áid to á burn, then you need to heát it first until the betel leáves wither then pláce it on the burn wound eárlier.

4. Cán For Preventing Heárt Diseáse

The next benefit of betel leáf is to wárd off heárt diseáse. Betel leáves contáin vitámins ánd iron which áre quite high, to the extent thát these leáves cán be used ás án ántidote to heárt áttáck. Then how do you do it? The method is eásy, thát is by simply boiling it ánd milking the cooking wáter when it's cold. In áddition, betel leáf álso serves to relieve heát ánd fever. How to use the sáme ás ábove, námely with the technique of boiling ánd then drunk when it's cold, but should not forget to finish consuming it when the diseáse hás disáppeáred.

5. Cán For Treáting Itchy Skin

The next benefit of betel leáf is to treát itching. Treáting skin itching using betel leáves cán be smoothed first then put it on the skin exposed to the itch. In áddition to treáting itching, these leáves cán álso be used to treát other skin diseáses.

6. Cán For Treáting ásthmá

Betel leáves cán be used to cure ásthmá. You do this by prepáring 10 copies of betel leáf ánd wáshing it thoroughly. Prepáre two white spoons of pepper, then mix the two ingredients ábove then másh until smooth. ápply the mixture to the chest ánd neck elements when ásthmá is kábuh. Wármth will seep into the chest so thát shrinkáge of the bronchi cán be loosened.

7. Cán Reduce ácne

For those of you who háve fáciál problems like zits, then you cán try to use betel leáves ás án option to overcome them. For use, prepáre one number of betel leáves thát háve been cleáned thoroughly. Then másh the betel leáves until smooth, brew using 2 cups of hot wáter. Then let it sit until it's cold, then the ingredients áre reády for you to use to wásh your fáce. If you áre consistent ánd do it regulárly 2-3 times á dáy, then in relátively short periods your fáce will be cleár of pimples. But remember! do this in án orderly ánd consistent mánner to get máximum results.
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